punishment for myself

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Dita took in a deep breathe to then turn his head with a heavy heart to look at someone who was called a punisher to then go to decha who sat to his knees with his head hung, with held no top garment, with his eyes closed to go to his ear.
"Are you but sure of this? You do not need to...."
Decha slightly turned his head to the side to keep his eyes closed.
"I want 324 lashes, I want to hurt for the 324 times I laid with that...... Have it be done!"
Dita made a face to then get up to then turn his head to eye the punisher to shrug then nod.
The punisher went forth to then start to give decha whips very deep into his flesh.
Decha then hunched over to place his hands palms down to the ground to grunt here and there.
Dita went about to eye.
"Decha, this is enough you don't have to...."
Decha raised his head to look to Dita with anger.
"Do not..... Stop of this..... It is my punishment...... For being in a relationship with....."
Decha then hung his head to spit blood upon the first floor.
Seeing his mate in distress, fliear went to him to then take him back to watch with him.
"This is what he is wanting Dita, so let it be."
Dita then looked to the first floor in grief for his friend.
Being hit, by the 324th, decha fell forward to be render unconscious.
Slowly opening his eyes, decha found himself to be too his stomach, on the floor to then look about.
Dita took in a deep breathe to then turn his head to then move a bit closer.
"The fever is but upon you, I am not them."
Decha shook, to then close his eyes to weep has Dita then went back to help dress his wounds.
After a week, decha was sitting with his head turned to eye out his window with no expression, dita then came about, to go to sit criss cross to his side, to place down the food to then eye him.
"Are we going to talk today?"
Decha shrugged to keep continuing to look out the window.
"Decha? Can you please to confide in me? What happened between you and your love....."
Decha turned his head quickly to give Dita quite the stare down.
"Don't! Don't ever to bring him up! Just.... Go away!"
Dita signed to then get up to leave.
Decha watched him go to then look out his window to hope kiet would come for him, but he knew better then that.
Decha then rolled his hands into fists.
I can not but to believe you laid with mora! What are you to have consumed so I could not have felt it! I know you know of that one vampiric clan who dabbles in such a thing, just..... How to the could you kiet!?
Decha closed his eyes to then take in a deep breathe to hang his head to have his hair fall all about him.
Feeling this touch, decha opened his eyes with a fire.
He then got up a bit weakly to then stumble over to his baseboard to fall to his knees to grab out a knife to then grab his length of hair to hold onto it to place to knife right to it, to breathe heavily.
Just cut it! What is the point of keeping it long? You look but has of a girl! Just cut it!
Decha started to tremble, has he started to semi cut, he then stopped to look at the blue ribbon he still was to hold onto to then part his lips to then start to weep, with his blurry vision, he then tossed the blade across the room to then still to be too his knees to hung over to cry and hard onto the floor board.
The next day, decha was to his side to look at the wall to be have fallen into despair.
Not to move, dita came about to then eye the room to see decha hadent touched his food to then look the other direction to see a knife. His eyes widened.
"We're you..... Trying to end your life?"
Decha signed.
"What would it matter?"
Dita parted his lips to then turn his head sharply to then shake it to then grab ahold of decha to take him out, decha kicked about however he didn't have very much strength.
Going through the village, Dita then took him to a pond, to then throw him in, decha moved his hair from his face to then look up at Dita in anger.
"What for was...."
Dita then moved to him to place his hands to dechas face.
"You listen to me decha, I do not know what they held of you, but you are not going to end your life for them! It shall be hard but you can move on and...."
Decha then stood and quick to quiver a bit to then push Dita away.
"I am never to move on Dita! My heart, body and soul belongs to someone who but of been with another! And no, never measure to the anything with me! You have no idea what I am too feel and to be going through!"
Decha breathed heavily.
"I may not, however if the two of you had such a strengthen bond, they wouldn't have been with another. Right there shows, there love was never pure, it is to be of another reason to not end your life and to move forth!"
Dita looked decha up and down to then turn to leave, decha slowly looked down to then fall to his knees to eye the water to feel nothing.
Decha took in a deep breathe to then place the blue ribbon to his hair to then get up once more to go back to the village.
I will never ever move on from you my kiet, no matter what you have done to us, but.....I have a mission, I shall but to see it through.

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