becoming a grand vampire to make changes

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Looking through a window, to a high level in his home, kiet gritted his teeth here and there with no facial expression.
Straightening up, he heard someone behind him.
"My young kiet, I can not believe this day has come. I know you only to see me has your step mother, but I see you has my own and......I am too be very proud of you."
Kiet flexed his jaw to then wrap his arms about to keep continuing to look out the window to see nothing but the dark abyss of the night, wishing to see someone he knew he never could.
Looking over him, his step mother stepped closer to then place a hand to his shoulder with a furrow brow, kiet turned his head slightly.
"Do not touch has of me."
Her lips parted to retract her hand to then bring it below her face to nod sullenly.
Turning his head further, he eyed her up and down to then look to the door frame where his father was to be too then go about her to then go to her ear.
"I am not denying your touch because I do not see you has my mother, I do see you has such, it is just...... Only one can."
She turned her head to eye kiet fully has he lend back to then nod.
"I understand."
Kiet nodded to then go about to head towards his father, who then looked to his wife to nod to then turn with kiet in tow to take him to the ceremony.
She made a face to then turn to go to be with them has well.
Oh decha.....I do not know where you have gone, but I wish you to know kiet is just lost without you by his side.
To the ceremony kiet was to his knees with his head hung has his father was over head to relinquish his grand vampire ship to then give it to his son.
He then turned to then eye kiet.
"My son, please rise."
Kiet rose slowly still without a facial expression to keep his head hung to clutch his teeth here and there
"Will, you honor this region and take on all duties I am too give to you?"
Kiet nodded.
His father stepped further to then bite into his thumb to then hold it up, kiet then did the same has he hung his head to then press his thumb to his has there blood mixed.
His father then retracted his thumb to then turn to speak to the crowd.
"It is done, now all to you, this is too be your grand vampire, your voices have been heard, now rejoice!"
All the vampires and the newly elected grand vampires from the other regions all stood to then clap.
Kiet then raised his head still to not have an expression to then step forward to eye about, flexing his jaw he then spoke.
"One of my first things I am too implate at this time is no one shall be forced into a claiming, no matter there status."
They all looked to him, to have some to nod, the others continued to eye.
"I am also going to help all supernaturals, we are not the only ones out there, I am also wanting to help everyone that is in need to this room."
Hearing cheering, kiet then nodded to then turn to leave.
His father widened his eyes to then turn to go to him.
"Kiet, what are you to be doing, this is not the way, you need to....."
Getting far, kiet turned to eye his father down a bit.
"I wish to be by myself to start to think on how I am too help everyone, I do not wish to celebrate, you can if you wish to."
His father looked at kiet too then roll his eyes to then go about to go back.
Kiet made his way through the house to then be in front of his door to hold onto a hope that he had for the last 6 months to then place his hand to the nob to then slowly opening it.
Going inside, kiet kept his head hung to then close his eyes to fight against the tears that were trying to go over his eyes.
He did not sense nor smell of decha to be too his chamber.
Kiet then slowly moved up his head to open his eyes to have his hope be dashed and hard.
He then went further to then go to his desk to sit down to eye the empty top to then move his arms to the desk to then wrap about to place his head to then to look to the side to feel still nothing.
Decha...... You were suppose to be there when I..... Become what I am..... You were suppose to be by my side......
Kiet closed his eyes to let the blood tears finally spill over.
You did what you needed to for the love of your very being, the two of you are always to be headed to this way, you need to rejoice in what you two were able to have and wish him the very best you can, rather the two of you were to be with the other or not.
Kiet then slowly moved his head off his arms to then place his hands to his eyes to groan.
I may have of done what was needed but I still but to miss you my decha...... No...... He is no longer to be yours and you are not to be his......
Kiets whole body shuttered to then become more of the vampires decha did not like to then start to be consumed with a vast of different emotions and feelings he had never had before, the top one was too be guilt and anguish.
Kiet then started to turn into a numb, uncaring unfeeling, sociopath, dead vampire, who could only seem to care about his mission, which was too help everyone, not one supernatural over the other.

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