1 - The Galtean child

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Krolia a very powerful Galra soldier, and -------- an altean. Both had lived on Earth before having to flea to protect the location of the Red lion.

Krolia had crash landed her ship on earth near where ------- lived, they lived a peaceful life together with their 3 yr old son, Keith. Keith had been born half galra and half altean, he had large fluffy ears like a cat, a long tail similar to that of a lion, light purple skin with red altean marks that extended to look similar to Krolia's marks, he had beautiful purple eyes that held galaxies and the whites of his eyes held a light yellow.

Keiths parents sadly were killed right in front of him as galra soldiers were searching for the Red lion, he had lost a lot that day.

~~~~7 deca-phoeb's later~~~~

10 year old Keith had finally fixed his mothers old ship that she had crashed when she first came to Earth. The Red lion has a very rare and strong bond with Keith since he was 3, Red was able to transform to a smaller lion that looks like an Earth lion but with glowing blue accents and red fur with yellow eyes.

As he said goodbye to his home and packed his many things along with his mothers BOM blade and his fathers jewelry (as the altean he was) he hopped into the ship with Red as they set off into the vast space. 

~~~~2 quintents into the trip~~~~

food was starting to get low as he had not packed very much, Red did not require food so she had left it all for Keith. He has been flying in the vast openness of space not seeing a single planet.

Not even 10 ticks later a Galran ship appeared from a wormhole after picking up Keith's ship. many drones were sent out from the galran ship causing Keith to attempt to fly away as his ship did not have any weapons on it. Keith had to doges many many drones and being fired at with a laser and losing a bit of power and getting injured in the process. After what seemed like vargas Keith managed to get away. luckily Red did not transform fearing of revealing her identity, but Keith had passed out due to exhaustion.

Keith woke up from Red rushing him awake "mm...hey Red what's the matter" Red urgently said "you need to wake up, we are loosing power to the ship!" he then jerks up from his sleep but feels a pain in his side from the galra attack, he ignored the pain to try and get power back into the ship, but he fails and he and Red start to fall into the atmosphere of an abandoned planet.


Word count: 456

Until next time when Keith Crashed into the abandoned planet...what comes of his and Red's fate?

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