2 - Crash landing and Future

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This part will get into Keith's POV and the start of the paladins POV

~~~~~Keith's POV~~~~~

I was struggling with the ship as it started to fall to the ground, Red was calmly sitting next to me as she knew I could safely land the ship. 

As we were falling the systems in the ship were all shut down besides for one thing.

We neared the ground quickly but I managed to save us from crashed but the ship had bounced off of nearby rocks.

After a while my side started to hurt again but I safely landed the ship.

Me and Red were now stranded on an unknown planet with unknown creatures, I knew there were no intelligent creatures since the planet was long abandoned and Red had told me so.

"AGHH!" I screamed. I was frustrated that my ship was damaged and there was nobody to help us. "calm yourself cub, we can survive" Red had said to calm me down. I did in fact calm down, but now I needed to survive on this planet until help came for us.

~~~~1 Phoeb later~~~~

Me, Red and Kosmo (a space wolf I rescued from large feethial (made-up)) had lived in a large cave that I had found while exploring the planet. I had gathered many things and used the wood of the very large trees in a nearby forest to build a small house for us 3 to live in since we may be stuck on the planet for a long time.

~~~~Lance's POV 8 deca-phoebs later~~~~

One dobosh I'm on earth with Pidge and Hunk after rescuing Shiro from the garrison after he crashed back to Earth, that we later all tracked the signal to the Blue lion. The next I'm on an Altean ship IN SPACE!..let's back track a little bit.

After we had found Shiro being held by the garrison after crashing down to earth from an alien pod we rescued him. luckily Shiro hadn't lost any memories, but we ended up taking him with us to track a strange energy reading that Pidge picked up earlier in the morning. 

We found the location of the reading and it was a cave full of many carving and some of a lion?

As i grazed my hand along the wall full of carving they all started to light up!

"Lance!" hunk shouted as he saw me fall through the floor. the others soon followed.

when we regained or footing we were standing before a large blue lion with a force field surrounding it. I then walked up to the force field and put my hand on it thinking i could get through it but I was very wrong. I saw memories of a planet and a whole race being wiped out and something that looked like a large person but was formed with 5 lions. I wondered what happened.

We all stepped into the lion as she offered us to and soon we burst from the side of a mountain and we were flying!

It was the greatest thing ever, but that didn't last long as we started heading into space a large alien ship appeared and tried to take the lion using a large purple beam!

We managed to escape through a wormhole that the blue lion opened for us, I was skeptical at first but the lion just purred and I felt like I should trust her so I did.

Once we were out of the wormhole we appeared at a large castle, after we got out of Blue (the name I had given her) she roared and the castle doors opened for us to enter. We wandered the massive castle for ages till we found a room with odd marking. We jumped when a "phsss" noise filled the room and two pods appeared.

A girl with white hair and pointed ears came from one pod and she looked like a princess. The other pod revealed an orange haired man with an orange beard, seemed to be working under the princess. we soon found out that hey were the last of their race and were 10,000 years old and they told us all about Voltron and that we were the paladins.

~~~~back to present~~~~

Allura was getting annoyed that we had yet to find the location of the red lion, it had been 1.5 phoebs since we became the paladins and we had fought many small galran fleets with the 3 lions we had available, we were also low on supplies since the castle had been untouched for 10,000 years. 

Over the comms we could all hear "PALADINS! get to the control room I have fantastic news!!"


Word count: 771

What might be the great news Allura found?

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