8 - Locked up

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Sorry for the cliffhanger on the last chapter I haven't had motivation to write for a while, I'll try to get the next few chapters done quickly!

~~~~Keith POV~~~~

I had woken up from the pain in my leg.

I am not sure how the paladins got me out of Red but they most likely found her escape hatch and got inside through there.

Surprisingly I was still in full galra form so they didn't know that I was half altean. I really wanted to turn into my in between form but I did not want them to see. I heard talking coming closer so I suspected that the paladins wanted to see if I was awake yet.

I lied back down on the cold floor cuz there was no bed weirdly enough. They turned to my cell only to see that I was asleep which I really wasn't. I heard them saying stuff like "he's only half galra but I cannot figure out his other half" or "let's wake him up" when I heard those words my ears twitched.

None of them realized it but the short green one had but didn't say anything.

I sighed and got up. all of them jolted besides the small green one. "go on ask your questions" I told them with a tired look on my face.

"who are you? why are you only half galra? what is your other half? are you a spy? why were you on that planet? where did you come from? are you the Red paladin? why did you have the red lion with you? how old are you? what is that wolf that was with you? where is the wolf at? how is the red lion able to transform like that? where did you find the red lion? when did you find it? whos side are you on?" all these questions were asked by the small green one.

"alright alright so many questions" "My name is Keith Kogane, My mother was galra and my father was something else, I can't tell you, no I'm not a spy, I crash landed on the planet when my ship lost power, I came from a planet called Earth, yes I'm apparently the red paladin, Red has been with me my whole life, I'm 18, Kosmo is a space wolf I saved him on that planet, I cannot tell you where he is, My bond with Red is very strong and rare, Like I said before I've been with Red my whole life but my parents found her on earth, 2 years before I was born, and I'm apparently on your side."

"Now since I answered your question you get to answer one of mine, how do you know that I'm only half Galra?" I said in an impatient tone

They all looked shocked about my answers and started whispering to each other then looked back at me. "we did a blood test on you" the black paladin said.

One more..."why do you have galra tech for an arm, I thought paladins of Voltron hated the galra empire?"

nobody answered me, it was expected. "fair enough, I could tell you got captured by them a long time ago" I said to them while leaning back onto the wall.

They all looked at me angrily and walked away besides the green and blue paladins, they had a look of pity in their eyes, but also curiosity. I believe they can keep a secret so I ask for the two of them to come closer. They did.


word count: 582

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