9 - Blood Red

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Sorry I didn't post for a while I'll try to make this chapter a bit longer to make it up to you!

~~~~Keith POV~~~~

It was actually less of a secret that I wanted to say, but I did ask the blue and green paladins if they could get me out of here.

To my surprise they did. I mean they could kill me or throw me out of airlock for being galra but they knew I wasn't bad and the same with many other galra. At least these two were forgiving and thought things through.

Before they got the chance to let me out of the cell the whole castle shook.

They ran away...I knew it was a galran empire attack...their gonna blame me...why can't I have anyone who can trust me...I need to get out...I need to get OUT!

Red let out an ear piercing roar and transformed to run over to where I was being held, Kosmo was running with her instead of teleporting.

Soon Red freed me and we all ran to the lion bay. I hopped into Red after she transformed and we flew out of the castle and started to attack the galra ships surrounding the other paladins as they were struggling with them.

Red's speed and intelligence allowed me to defeat many ships.

Suddenly the larger galra ship fired at me and red, I tried to dodge but failed and we get hit, I took most of the force from the blast and it knocks me out.

The other paladins notice and the yellow lion flies to me while the others defend her, the yellow lion picks Red up and after the black lion destroyed the large galra ship they all flew back to the castle.

As soon as the lions were back in their bays everyone runs to Reds bay. Apparently they don't know the red lions name is Red, so I'll have to tell them later.

~~~~Third POV~~~~

Allura and Hunk try to get through Red's shield but she keeps it up since those two couldn't be trusted yet, a little while later after Alluras frustrated screaming at Red Shiro attempts to get into Red but fails. Coran is off doing is own thing somewhere. There were only two people left who can try getting Red to open.

Red notices Pidge and Lance walk up to her so she lowers her head. They both enter leaving a shocked Allura, Hunk and Shiro standing in awe.

"well isn't that shocking" Coran suddenly says while scaring the quiznak out of Hunk.

"WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?" was all that could be heard afterward. "well I walked here after fixing a few things and saw the red lion open up for Lance and Pidge."

While the 4 of them were having a conversation outside forgetting about the other three, Lance and Pidge were approaching to where Keith was.

Lance was in front of Pidge walking through Red when they heard a groan.

"yep that's him" Lance sighed at Pidge's comment and went over to the chair.

Shock. That was the only thing to describe what the two paladins were feeling when the newly found Red paladin was covered in his own blood unable to wake up.

The 4 standing outside of Red, were broken out of their conversation when the two paladins rushed past them leaving a trail of blood behind them. They soon followed after standing in shock, When they reached the cryopods/Medbay they saw the red paladin, Keith, a new friend, bloody and in one of the pods, they had no idea how long he would be in there.

(A/N: Kosmo is still in Red but stayed hidden so Lance and Pidge wouldn't see him since Red wanted him to come out later when they trusted Keith more.)


word count: 637

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! next chapter is gonna be eventful hopefully I'll try to update it this week, bye for now!

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