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"I thought you were on my side" 'Mike' complained to the girl, to then without noticing receive a punch back from James "WHAT THE FUCK IDIOT, DO YOU WANT TO FIGHT?"

"I dare you to disrespect me again idiot" James said already adopting a position of fighting "ARE YOU SCARED?!"

"I'm not scared of you noodle arms" the boy laughed at him and then tried punching him, but James moved to his side before he was punched, then Ranboo hit him on the face "FUCK MY NOSE" Mike cried "I THINK YOU BROKE MY FUCKING NOSE" Ranboo's eyes widened in instinct of helping him, but "Sike" he hit Ranboo's face, making his glasses fall to the ground and his mask stain red 

"JAMES" Piper said, running towards him, picking up the glasses and hugging him "Get away from him, seriously" She told Mike 

"Or what?" He smirked

"Or you will have to fight the 4 of us" Jasper yelled from the entrance with Raven, they arrived just in time

"ooooh loooook, i'm trembling Jasper Solace just called me out and the weird pronoun girl is going to kick me, i'm so scared" Mike made fun of them "You can have your stupid locker, i'm done here, c'mon babe" He said as he held his girlfriend's hand and walked together to their class 

"God James, are you ok?" Jasper got close to him "Let me see, can I take the mask off?" He nodded "Oh dear" James's face was covered in blood under his mask

"I think i'm the one with the broken nose, this hurts a lot" He mumbled 

"We have to take you to the nursery...Can you walk?" Raven suggested asking him 

"Yeah..." James answered, holding his mask close to his nose so people wouldn't notice, then took his backpack and started walking with them towards the nursery. "Hello?" 

He knocked on the door, which opened the school Nurse holding her mug of coffee, looking up and down at the 4 of them, she sighed "First time fight?" they all nodded "Come in" she put the mug away, then sat James in the nursery bed in the room "Let me see kid" James took his mask away from his nose "Oh lord" she said surprised "Never in my 5 years of nursing in this school i've seen such a thing" she looked around a filled a bowl with water and grabbed a towel "Raven did you have anything to do with this?" she looked at the ginger

"What?! I know i come here often, but I didn't do anything this time" they raised their shoulders and then crossed their arms 

"Piper sweetheart, please, can you clean his face while i look for the medicine?" She asked Shay, who nodded and sat next to Ranboo and helped him clean up 

'Ouch' he was complaining in pain for a while "Ranboo please don't move, it'll be easier, i know it hurts but i'm almost done" Piper told him as she cleaned over his nose and mouth with the cold wet towel 

"Ok kid, please lay down" the nurse asked him as he did so, then put a pillow on his neck to make his head tilted backwards. She pulled out a light and checked him "Your blood vessels broke" 

"HUH?!" He asked shocked "MY WHAT?"

"Your blood vessels, don't worry, they usually recover easily...I'll put this thing on you, and if it doesn't stop bleeding in 20 minutes come back, alright?" Ranboo nodded as she put some drops of a nasal medicine in his nostrils, then put a bandage around it to protect him "Sit down darling" he did so and she wrote a note about him going to the nursery so they wouldn't get in trouble for being late "Here, present this to the teacher, have a good day" 

They walked out of the room and then made their way into the science class lecture. They didn't talk in the whole walk, but they were all making sure James was ok. 'It's really sweet you did that so I could open my locker, thanks...But now you're injured because of my fault' Piper thought to herself but then let the thought go away, she decided to thank him later.  

/Filler but i think it's cool tho ahsjdgds. The haunted house preparation is starting don't go!¡

❝BELOVED GHOST❞ //Ranboo ✔️Where stories live. Discover now