🐴Horse back riding🐴

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(1013 Words)






Semi's POV

"I'm sooooooo boredddddddddd". Eita said as he was laying on his bed. 

 'I will invite the others to come over cause I'm f*cking bored"; Eita got up from his bed and went to the post office which was at the end of the village. Before Eita can go out he needs permission from his Father and Mother. 

"Father, Mother, Can I go to the post office?" Eita said. 

"Sure you can go, but umm why do you need to go to the post office?" Asked Eita's father.

 " Hon it's fine I'm sure he just wants to message his friends or something." 

"Wow, mom that's exactly why good guess but I have to go bye!" 

"Bye," said Eita as he was running out the door. He arrived at the post office. 

"Oh, Kon'nichiwa prince Eita" The postman got up and bowed.

 "Kon'nichiwa Tritoro-san, Umm am here to send a letter to my friends."

 " Oh do want us to write it?" 

"Yes please." 

"Ok it might take a day to deliver it," said Tirtoro, the postman.

 " Oh ok, here's the money, bye" 

"Bye prince Eita" 


 "Now I'm bored..... Oo I know what to do".

Ichika's POV

"Ahhhh what a beautiful day!" Ichika said out loud.

" Hey Aoi-Chan I need some help can you-" 

"Of Corse, I would want to help you! No need to ask just put it in my to-do list" Ichika pulled out her to-do list that was almost 1 meter long. Botan, a childhood friend of Ickika and a farmer that takes care of the animal was shocked at how long Ichika's list was. 

"Ichika, I think I'm good I'll just find someone else to help me-" Before Botan left Ichika grab his wrist. 

"Oh please please Bo-San I want to help that list was just for the month not for today, so please can I helppppppppp" Ichika begged. 

"Sigh, Ok you can help me but are you sure you can handle it?".

 "Pff, why would you ask me that? Of course, I can handle it... but what do I have to do tho?

Semishira RoyalWhere stories live. Discover now