💫The day of the battle... Ichika's last day?💫

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The day of the battle has finally arrived. The young royals and the strong young village teenagers are getting ready for battle. "Are we ready?" The king said as he entered the throne room. He sees the queen fixing the teenager's gears. 

"Hey, darling..." The king said. "Hey, are you ready?" The kind nodded his head.

They all went outside to see the enemy 1 kilometre away from the castle. A few seconds later they ran to each other and started fighting. Shirabu had just finished killing 6 people when she turned around to see Oikawa about to get stabbed. Shirabu stomped her foot which made an ice path leading to the enemy that was about to stab Oikawa. The ice went under the enemy which made him trip. The powerful teenager ran to the older and gave her a sharp ice sward she made on the spot. 

"Thank you," Said the older. Shirabu smiled and left. Daichi was with the queen using his power to protect the queen while she heals the hurt. Most royals and guards are with the queen since the queen has the power to heal. Meanwhile, with Shirabu, she was surrounded by enemies but then soon there was a flash of lightning and a loud sound of thunder. In a few seconds, the enemy's bodies were chopped into pieces. Shirabu already knew who it was.

Shirabu looked down at the body pieces and stuck her tongue out but something happened, she didn't see it coming. Another sound of thunder and a flash of lightning appeared. The younger turned around. She fell to the ground in shock. 

"SEMI-SAN!" She yelled. The older laying on the muddy ground with a knife in his left hip got up. 

"Come on idiot we need to fight-" Eita fell on the ground again and started coughing up blood. The older notice that Shirabu's anger.

"Shira-" Eita got interrupted cause the younger yelled something out.

"DIE YOU LITTLE-" before the younger can finish the enemy's body fell on the ground and so did another body that Shirabu recognized immediately. Shirabu was on the ground shocked. 2 of her most loved human beings are laying down on the ground bleeding. The kind and Kindachi ran to the young warriors.

"Come on, the queen will heal them, don't worry..." Said Kindaichi to make Shirabu feel better. Daichi opened a little opening so the five could enter.

"Oh no-" The queen said as she got and ran to the five. "PLace them over here I will heal them," 

"But dear, do you still have the energy to?" The kind asked. Before the queen started to heal them, Eita woke up. The queen then started healing her son with one hand and on the other hand, she started to heal Ichika. The queen then felt a hand on her wrist. She looked down to see Ichika with her eyes a bit opened.

"Hey, you feeling ok?" The queen asked. The little girl began to cry. "H-huh? What happened Aoi-kun?! A-are you ok?! Where does it hurt?!" The queen said in a panic.

"G-g-gom-men," the four were confused.

"What do you mean sorry Aoi-chan?" Botan asked. The little girl that was laying on the ground looked at Shirabu. 

"I h-have some explaining t-to d-o," The rest of the royals walked over. "Y-ou know how m-my powers kill p-people with just o-one t-touch? W-well... I- I went to the doctor last 3 months ago, and she said t-that I-I... If I kill 18 m-more people... I-..." Ichika began to cry harder. "I- WILL DIE!..." 

Silents came upon everyone. The queen was shocked and hurt. The girls were just standing there in shock, the boys were comforting the girls and Haru, Haru couldn't believe what he just heard. "W-w-what... That is not t-true... Right A-Aoi?" Seiji's voice was creaky and he didn't want to believe it. 

"I'm afraid i-it is... Gomen... Kenji? Daisuke?" She turned to face her childhood friends who had tears coming down their faces. 

"Shira..." The teenager looked at the royal who called her name. She sees Eita's arms out signalling that he wants a hug. The teenager ran to the royal and started to cry... But then it was interrupted by someone coughing. 

"I guess it's my t-time to g-go... I love y-you all s-so much... but... I need you guys t-to promise m-me some s-stuff..." The three best friends ran to the poor girl laying on the ground. Shirabu placed the poor girl on her lap, Botan held her hand and Seiji sat beside Botan looking and crying at Ichika, the poor girl on the ground. 

"P-promise m-me t-that y-you g-guys w-will v-visit m-my g-grave once a m-month, p-p-promise m-me that y-you guys... a-all of y-you g-guys w-will show m-me your k-kids... and d-don't forget to t-tell them a-about m-me... hehe..," Everyone chuckled at what Ichika just said. Ichika continued to say some promises but the last one made everyone cry. "And l-lastly... p-promise m-me that y-you w-will burry me in t-the d-dandelion f-field..." Everyone started to cry even the boys. 

"W-we promise," Atsumu said. 

" We won't f-forget t-to show you t-to our future k-kid, don't worry A-Aoi-chan..." Said Oikawa.

"Arigatō... be s-strong g-guys... Sayōnara..." Ichika closed her eyes... peacefully... Everyone then began to start crying. Shirabu ran to Eita and Eita started to rub her back so she can calm down.








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