🗡🏹⚔ Enemy attack ⚔🗡🏹🗡

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Semi and the other's POV

3 days later people arrived at the castle

"HEY HEY HEY WERE HERE!" Bokuto yelled while he and the others were walking inside the castle of the Semi family.

 "Bokuto-San please lower down your voice." 

"Hey, I look beautiful in this dress thank you very much!"

 "Yeah, Tsumu looks beautiful! Your her boyfriend comfort her"

 " Excuse me, your majesty's, sorry to interrupt but  prince Eita is here." They all looked at the stairs.

"Hey guys, thanks for coming!" Eita said while going down the last few steps

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"Hey guys, thanks for coming!" Eita said while going down the last few steps. 


"Hello Koutarou

"Why'd you want us to come here again" Said Kenma while focusing on her games. 

"Well I was bored so I just figured we could hang out." 

"Hmm ok but you could have just called us, also I want to look around your village first," Said Suga happily.

 "Ok we can go get horses at the village stables, and I also have a new friend I want you guys to meet." 

"Is she or he royal?" Suna said while tilting her head sideways. 

"She is a girl and no she's not a royal, oh yeah also if you see her wear gloves it's because her power is death touch. So basically whatever she touches it or that person dies." 

"Whoa, that's an intense power." Said Osamu. 

"Yeah now let's go to the village stables!" 

"YAYYYY" Suga yells.

Shirabu's POV

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