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1 month later

The four's POV

A month of the 4 friends not talking to the royals. They couldn't talk or hang out with the royals because the royals has school.

"Neh, nehhhhhhhh," Ichika said trying to get the three's attention.

"What do you want Aoi," Shirabu said annoyed.

"I heard that the royals are coming back!" Ichika said with joy. Seiji and Shirabu just stared at Ichika with an 'Ok? So what?' look.

"Don't give me that look!" Ichika pouted.

"Aoi-chan where did you hear that?" Botan asked.

"The royal guards announced it at the town square."

"Oh is that so," Seiji said. KNOCK KNOCK. 

" I'll get that!" Said Botan.

"Hello-" Botan stopped.

"Hello, Botan-san. I'm here to deliver a message from the king and queen. Can you perhaps get your friends, they all need to hear this." Said the messenger.

"S-sure" Botan suttered.

"Guys come!"Botan yelled.

"What? Who's at the door?" Shirabu askes.

"Greetings, I have a message from the king and queen." Said the messenger.


"Dear Shirabu, Ichika, Botan, and Seiji-kun,

Sorry to ask you this but is it ok if you guys join our army? There's a war coming up and our enemy is strong so we need strong teammates. Our enemy is from the south. We had a big war before, the former strongest people in the village died for us. I hope you consider helping us out.

Signed, Kind and Queen Semi" The messenger read.

"W-wha?" Seiji said speechless. Ichika and Botan had a face that read 'Are you kidding me?' and for Shirabu, she just stared at the messenger.

"Thank you for your time," The messenger bowed and left.

"Soooooo, what is everyone thinking?" Ichika asked nervously.

"Do you guys want to be in the war?" Seiji asked. Botan and Ichika looked at Shirabu.

"I think they killed my parents-" Shirabu whispered.

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