Time skip

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(881 Words)






5 years later, Shirabu and Eita are married and Shirabu became Queen same as Eita but king. I also forgot, there is a new member of the family! Her name is Aoi Semi. Oh I haven't talked about Seiji and Botan so here is a little ketchup:

Seiji and Botan did get married. They don't have kids but they do take care of the village kids sometimes. Seiji and Botan are the strongest in the village now since Shirabu is now a royal. Botan and Seiji would sometimes go to the castle to hang out with the royals or babysit the royal children. They also didn't forget to visit Ichika once a month. 

One day, Eita and Shirabu decided to bring Aoi to Ichika, to introduce her. "Were here!" Aoi said excitedly.

"Yes, yes sweetie we are here but don't run," Shirabu said to her child. 

"Dada, can you carry me?" Eita smiles. He bends down so Shirabu could put Aoi on his shoulders. 

"Here we go!" Aoi starts to laugh. When they arrived Shrabu set a picnic blanket on the ground and settled up the food. Eita was running around the dandelion field with Aoi on his shoulders. 

"EITA BE CAREFUL!" Shirabu yelled and Eita just stuck his thumb out. After a few minutes, Eita came back holding Aoi's hand. Shirabu held her arms out so Eita could rest on her. 

"Mama?" Shirabu looks at her child. "What is this? It says "Ichikia Aoi" My name!" Shirabu smiles. As soon as she was about to talk a bright light appeared behind the tombstone. "AHHH MOMMYYYYYY" Aoi ran to Shirabu clutching onto her dress. 

"I'm sorry did I scare you?" The bright light said as it was getting less bright. "Hiya! I'm Ichika Aoi! You must be Aoi Semi right?" Shirabu pulled Aoi of her and gave her a little push confront of Ichika. Aoi nods her head. Soon the bright light was gone and it revealed a beautiful young girl with a halo and big white wings. 

"Y-you, I saw a picture of you before!" Ichika smiles.

"Really where?" She asks. Aoi made a thinking face because she forgot.

"OH- In mommy and daddy room. I also saw a picture of you and mommy and daddy other friends. Uncle Botan and uncle Seiji were there too! Do you know them?" A few minutes later Ichika, Shirabu and Eita were talking while Aoi was collecting dandelions.

A few hours passed and it was time for Ichika to go. "Will you come and visit me again Aoi?" Ichika asked the little girl.

"Of course! Can I tomorrow?" Ichika made a frowny face.

"Sorry kiddo, Ichika can only show up once a month," Said Eita as he ruffled Aoi's hair. Aoi also made a frowny face.

"Well, it's good to see you again Aoi," 

"You to Kenji," The bright light said. In a few seconds, the bright light disappeared.

"I- I wanna play with Ichika again mommy..." Aoi said with tears in her eyes. 

"Shirabu stopped. "It's ok honey, we will come back next month ok?" Aoi nods her head while wiping her tears.

The end

(Thank you guys for reading this, I will make another story but a different main ship. Thank you to the owners of the pic's I used. The next chapter is just some questions for the next story. If you can and want, please answer them cause I have no more ideas. I was thinking for the next story it's a different version of a mafia au since the first story I made was bad-. well thank you)





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