☄Powerful spirits?☄

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(685 Words)









Semi's POV

'I guess we're here...' 

" Ummm Ichika why is there a huge rock, a lizard that's on fire, leaves that are flouting and a water horse beside her?" 

"Oh, that's just the spirits that protect this kingdom, as a prince shouldn't you know that?" 

" Uhhh well I don't pay attention in history class," Eita said while scratching the back of his head.

 "Mhhh same but I'm friends with the spirits so yeah" 

"You are?" 

"Yup now let me introduce you to Kenji" Ichika called out Shirabu's name. 


"Wow you are energetic aren't you?" 

"Yup I have a lot of energy in me that I can't release or I go crazy" 

"Oh hehe same".

Shirabu's POV


'Mhm, I guess Aoi is here.' Shirabu put away her violin and look back at Ichika who was talking to a boy.

 "A-Aoi who's this?" 

"Oh, Kenji this is the prince, prince Eita Semi😁" 

"Eita bowed and said 


"U-uhh H-hi... I'm sorry your highness I have to go" Shirabu grabbed her violin and made the water horse solid so she can ride on it. 

"U-uhh wait" "Kenji?" 

"I'm sorry I have to go help Botan -san" Shirabu left. '

Why is Aoi with the prince? Uhgggggg never mind about that I need to go help plant apple trees.'

Semi's POV

'What was that, she just left- Was she scared to see me? No, impossible I'm too handsome... 

"Umm Ichika-chan"


"Is she scared of me because I'm the prince and I look so handsome?" 

Semishira RoyalWhere stories live. Discover now