🗡⚔🏹 WAR?! (2) 🏹⚔🗡

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(1508 Words)







Eita's POV

'Why do they want to join the war?! What the heck!' Eita thought as he arrived at the entrance to the training room. CREEK. The sound of the training room door opening. Eita looked at who was inside. He saw Seiji swinging a wooden sword, Botan working on his powers, Ichika with the queen who is teaching Shirabu how to use a sword. They didn't hear the door opening. 

"MOM!" Eita called out. The queen gasped. Ichika, Seiji and Botan looked at each other. Ichika ran to the two. 

"Were in trouble. . ." Ichika whispered. Botan just nodded. Eita walked towards his mom with the others following him. Suna, Kenma, Akaashi and Kunimi glanced at the three who were standing a few inches away from the queen. 

"Why are they here? Oikawa told me that there going to fight in the war. Is that true?!" Eita questioned his mom. 

"Eita, dear-" The queen couldn't finish.

"No mom, answer my question first," demanded Eita. 

"Don't talk to your mom like that. . . Semi-san. . ." Eita turn to who spoke. It was Shirabu. Shirabu was looking at the ceiling.

"We join for revenge," Shirabu said as she turned to face the prince. Eita looked at what Shirabu was holding, He was shocked because she was holding a sword that was in the castle safe that was guarded by the strongest guards and they were also lasers around the room. He learned that the sword she was holding was from one of the strongest families in the village. The last lady who held that sword is now dead because she fought in the 2001 war.

"Mom, doesn't that sword belong to the strongest family in the village?" Eita asks. The queen smiles that say 'Yes it is so that means,' Eita thought for a moment, so did the other royals. 

"Wait-" said Bokuto. Everyone looked at Bokuto who looked shocked.

"What is it Bokuto-san?" Asked Akaashi.

"Does that mean Shirabu is a part of the strongest family in the village?!" Bokuto said in shock. The queen smiled.

"Good job Bokuto! Yes, Shirabu is a part of the strongest family," Said the queen. After the queen explained and the king entered the room.

"Oh! You guys are in here, so you know about-" Eita interrupted his dad.

"Yes, on who there joining the war, that Shirabu is a part of the strongest family in the village, and why they're joining," said Eita. His dad was in shock.

"O-ok then, would you like to help them train?" The king asked.

"YES!" Yelled Bokuto, Kuroo, Oikawa, Atsumu, Oikawa, and Suga.

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