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(A little bit of fluff :3)





(585 Words)






A few days later, Shirabu fully healed same with the other royals. One day, Shirabu decided to go out since She's been in the castle resting for days. She wanted to get fresh air in her lungs so she went to the garden. She was walking along the path watching as the butterfly landed on the pedals of the flowers. She stuck out her finger so one of the butterflies could land. She was admiring the butterfly until someone sicked behind her.

"Watch'ya doing~," Eita said as he was watching Shirabu admiring the butterfly behind her back. Shirabu jumped a little which made the butterfly fly away.

"Look what you made me do, stupid Eita..." She turned around and made a pouting face.

"Sorry-" He then pulled out a bouquet of flowers that he was holding behind his back. "Surprise?"  Shirabu tilted her head. 

"Flowers?" Eita nods. She reach to grab them and then smelled them. "They're pretty," She said as she pulled it away from her face. "Did you pick them?" She asks right after. Eita chuckles.

"Yes, I did," Shirabu smiles. 

"What is it for tho?" Eita looks down.

"Ummm... Shira, I need to tell you something..." She tilts her head. "I- ... Ever since I first met you I thought you were... secretive" he looks at Shirabu who is looking at the ash-blond confused. "I'll just get to the point, Kenjirou... I like you, I like you ever since we met, I like everything about you, your hair, your personality, everything, but I understand if you don't feel the same way-" The ash-blond royal got caught off because of a pair of soft lips touching his. The sandy hair coloured girl pulled away. 

"Does that answer your confession?" She smirks. 

"If you give me one more it might," The royal says with a smirk on his face. He pulled Shirabu close to him and their lip touches each other. As they were in the middle of something, a recording ending sound interrupts them. They pulled away from the kiss and turned their head to face Suna hiding behind a tree. She turns her back hoping they don't see her but Shirabu just runs after her. 


"NEVER! I'M SHOWING THIS TO THE OTHER AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME!" Suna yelled back. Eita watch as his new girlfriend chases the girlfriend of the younger Miya twin. He saw that they ran inside so he just followed them in.


"You so mean Suna 😭" Shirabu yelled as the girls (except for Kenma and Kunimi) crowded her because of the video that Suna took.

"I'm sorry, someone had to tell them," Suna said as she was laughing.


The new couple were in Eita's room watching a movie and cuddling. During the middle of the movie, Shirabu fell asleep without Eita knowing.

"Hey, Kenji? You awake?" He asks the little one that was sleeping on his chest. He looks at the little one and smiles. "God, your so cute..." He gets up slowly putting Shirabu gently on the couch. He grabs the remote and turns off the tv. He then prepared his bed so he could lay Shirabu on the bed. He walks back to the couch slowly lifts Shirabu up and walks quietly to the bed.

At this point, he is pulling the comforter up to her shoulders. He goes to the other side of the bed and settles in. He pulled the little one close to him and soon he fell asleep.









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