Chapter 16

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Warnings: slight bit of smut, not really any swearing


“Stop looking at him,” Niall scolded Liam, who was eyeing Harry from across the courtyard.

Liam bit his lip, turning to look at his boyfriend with wide, puppy-like eyes.


Liam looked down at his lap. “I miss him,” he admitted quietly.

Niall sighed, pulling Liam into his side and resting his head atop of his. “I know…me too.”

“I miss his wild hair,” Liam smiled. “So curly.”

Niall smiled, remembering Liam’s strange fascination with Harry’s curly locks. “I miss his dimples.”

Liam laughed softly, the image of Niall poking Harry’s dimpled cheeks as he sucked back another beer. “I just want us to be friends again.”

“I know Li, I know,” Niall whispered, kissing Liam’s hair softly. 


Niall was waiting for Liam by his locker when he was ambushed. Ed and his mates surrounded the smaller boy, yelling insults at Niall as he pressed himself against the lockers; trying to escape them.

“Please stop.” His voice shook as he spoke.

“Aw, is little Niall going to cry?” Ed laughed, moving closer to the scared boy.

“Don’t hurt me,” Niall pleaded. “Liam.”

“Your boyfriend can’t help you now,” Ed told him, his fist clenched as he pulled it back; preparing for the first hit.

Niall squeezed his eyes shut; readying himself for the blow.

“Stop!” A voice yelled.

“Liam!” Niall yelled for his boyfriend.

“Ed! Stop, please,” Liam yelled as he pushed through the crowd that had formed.

“Stop him!” Ed yelled at his mates, who moved quickly and latched onto Liam; holding him tightly as he watched his boyfriend with wide, scared eyes.

“STOP!” Liam yelled as Ed’s fist met Niall‘s face once, twice, three times.

Blood gushed from Niall’s nose as he doubled over; Ed’s knee colliding with his stomach. 

“ED!” A voice screamed and then Harry was pushing through the crowd, stumbling into the semi-circle surrounding the fight.

“Harry!” Ed cheered, holding onto Niall’s collar as he turned to his friend. “Come here and show this faggot what you’re made of. C’mon, hit him!” 



“No,” Harry repeated.

“C’mon, don’t fuck around. Come here and hit this queer.”

“No Ed.”

Ed let go of Niall, causing him to fall to the ground with a small whimper. The guys holding Liam grips loosened and he managed to pull away, rushing over to his boyfriends crumpled form. 

“What did you say?” Ed hissed.

“I said no.” Harry stood his ground, crossing his arms over his chest. “I’m so sick of you. Of this! I’m done with you. You’re nothing but a dick and a bully.”

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