Chapter 5

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“M’home!” Louis called, as he placed his journal and bag on the table by the door.

“Hey Lou, how was babysitting?” Zayn smiled, as he walked down the hall, cereal bowl in one hand and spoon in the other.

“Oh fantastic.” Louis replied sarcastically, as he toed his shoes off.

“Okay, what happened?” Zayn asked all to knowingly, as he reached Louis’ side.

Louis sighed, “I did something bad, Zayn.”

“You didn’t fuck him did you?” Zayn joked.

“What!? No!” Louis gasped.

“Then what?”

Louis just sighed again.

“Come on, I know what will make you feel better.” Zayn smiled as he led Louis into the kitchen.

After preparing Louis the biggest mug of Yorkshire tea he could find, Zayn joined Louis at the kitchen table.

Louis sighed blissfully as he took a long, soothing sip of his perfectly made tea. Zayn always knows how to make it just right.

“So, what happened?” Zayn asked, looking at Louis who diverted his gaze to his tea. “Lou?”

“I kissed him.” Louis blurted quietly, “I kissed Harry.”

“Oh well, that’s not that bad.” Zayn said, relieved that it wasn’t anything worse.

“Yes it is.”


“He’s fucking sixteen, Zayn. I’m nineteen and I kissed a fucking sixteen year old. It’s beyond wrong!” Louis groaned, placing his head in his hands.

“Louis.” Zayn spoke.

Louis just grunted in response.

“Lou, look at me.”

Louis slowly raised his head, not really wanting to meet Zayn’s caramel orbs, but he knew he had no choice.

“It’s not that bad. I mean, yes you kissed a kid…well teenager,” Zayn corrected, “But there are a hundred things worse that you could have done.”

“Like what?” Louis asked, taking another long sip.

Zayn raised an eyebrow, “Do you really want me to answer that?”

Louis thought about it for a moment, before shaking his head, “No. No I don’t.”

Zayn just chuckled, “Anyway, was it like a snog or a peck…?”

“Open mouth.” Louis replied.

“What!? That’s not even bad. You’re freaking out over nothing, Lou.”

“Maybe you’re right.” Louis said, taking another sip of his drink.

“Of course I am.” Zayn smirked, spooning some cereal into his mouth, “So, was he good?” Zayn asked around his mouthful.

“A little inexperience, but not completely bad.” Louis replied, a small smile gracing his lips.

Zayn just laughed.


“Oh fuck!” Harry moaned as Louis’ teeth nipped at his collarbone.

Harry hands gripped the sheets tightly, his knuckles turning white, as Louis kissed down his chest, stopping to teasingly suck at his left nipple before moving to the right. Harry just moaned out in pleasure as Louis’ tongue travelled down his stomach, dipping into his belly button before stopping at the top of his boxers. 

“What do you want, Harry?” Louis asked huskily, as he sucked a bruise into Harry’s hipbone.

“S-suck me, Louis. Suck m-me!” Harry moaned as Louis’ tongue swept out over the tender skin.

“As you wish.” Louis smirked, before pulling Harry’s boxers down in one swift pull. As Louis leaned forward, his tongue ready to swirl around Harry’s tip before enveloping his cock with his hot, wet mouth, Harry felt a sudden weight against his chest and a loud shout.

“Get up dickhead!” Ed laughed as he whacked Harry, once again, with a pillow.

“Ed?” Harry asked, dazed and sweaty as he sat up.

“No, it’s fucking Mary Poppins.” Ed mocked, “Now, hurry the fuck up. You‘ve got fifteen minutes to get ready or I’m leaving without you.” 

As Ed left the room, Harry couldn’t help but think about that dream and how real it felt. He could feelLouis’ lips against his skin. He could taste Louis’ hot breath ghosting his lips as he spoke. Yes, Harry could feel everything Louis’ had done in that dream, and what made it worse was Harry liked it. He liked every touch, kiss and suck that older man had given him. And as Harry headed towards the bathroom, he knew that it was going to take much longer than fifteen minutes to get ready, if the tent of his boxers was anything to go by.


Thoughts? - Txx

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