Chapter 6

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Press, drag, watch.

Press, drag, watch.

Press, drag, watch. 

Harry stared at himself in the mirror, the new cuts on his stomach vibrant against his pale skin. Flash backs of this morning running through his mind.

“How dare you get fucking suspended!?” Robin roared as he burst into Harry bedroom.

Harry, being so startled, fell from his bed onto the carpeted floor.

“Get up you little shit!” Robin yelled, marching over to Harry.

“H-How did you…” Harry asked as Robin wrenched him up by his hair, “Ah!” He cried in pain.

“Your mother told me.” Robin said, “Said you threw a flour bomb at two students.”

Shit. I’m dead. Was all Harry could think.

“I-I’m sorry Robin.” Harry stuttered, scared.

“Sorry? Not as sorry as you’ll be if you do it again!” Robin yelled, before his fist collided with Harry cheek.

Harry cried out in pain as he dropped to the floor. 

“Where were you yesterday if you didn’t go to school?” Robin asked, yanking Harry up by his shirt. 

“O-out with f-friends.” Harry stammered, squeezing his eyes shut as pain continued to shoot to his cheek.

“Well that won’t be happening again!” Robin hissed, his spit flying onto Harry’s face, “You’re grounded for a month boy! If you so much as leave this house for anything other than school, you’ll be sorry!” Robin barked, before throwing Harry back down to the ground and slamming his bedroom door shut.

Harry had then laid there, crying until there were no more tears left. That’s when he had pulled his weak and wrecked body towards his sock draw and found just what he needed. Relief. Control. And that’s how we got to here, where Harry was staring at his reflection in the mirror. Disgusted by himself. 

“You’re ugly.” He whispered to his reflection, “You’re pathetic. You’re a faggot. You’re a ugly, pathetic little faggot. No one would want you. No one will EVER want you.”


Louis didn’t mention it when he first arrived. He pretended that he didn’t see the large bruise on Harry’s face or the pain in those big, green eyes. He just listened to Anne’s instructions quietly until she was gone and they were left alone. When Louis had turned around to question Harry about his injury, he found that Harry was already half way up the stairs. Louis wanted to follow him. He needed to know how he got such an injury, but he didn’t. He didn’t want to rush Harry or possibly hurt him anymore than he already was, so instead, Louis chose to sit on that familiar couch again before pulling his sketch book and pencil from his satchel as he began to draw that horrible bruised cheek that had made it‘s home one the curly haired boys face. 

A few hours later, just as Louis was finishing the touching details of his drawing, Louis heard quiet footsteps coming down the stairs. 

“Hey.” Louis smiled at Harry as he entered the loungeroom. 

“Hi.” Harry mumbled, not meeting Louis’ eyes as he sat on the couch.

“You alright?” Louis asked as Harry reached for the remote.

“M’fine.” Harry mumbled, flicking through channels.

Louis nodded. He could tell Harry was lying. He could see on the boys face that he was clearly hurting, but Louis was scared to say anything. Scared of Harry blowing up at him. Scared of finding out the truth. Louis needed time to think about how to bring it up subtly. He didn’t want Harry shutting down if he rushed into it to fast. So, he waited for the perfect time to bring it up. And that’s when Louis figured that as they were clearing the table of Chinese containers, he’d ask.

“Harry?” He asked, his voice slight shaky with nerves.

“Yes?” Harry asked as he cleared the table.

“What happened to your face?” Louis asked, eyeing the younger boy.

Louis noticed straight away that Harry’s body tensed. He hands fisting at his sides and his nostrils flaring slightly.

“Nothing.” Harry mumbled, turning away from Louis and walking towards the sink.

“It doesn’t look like nothing.” Louis said, following Harry’s movements with his eyes.

Harry sighed, his hands gripping the counter in front of him, “I ran into a door, okay?” He said.

“Really?” Louis asked, his arms crossing over his chest.

“Yes.” Harry replied.

“Really. Cause I know for a fact what damage running into a door can cause and that’s not it.” Louis said, “I should know, I’ve done it before and I have never gotten a bruise like that.” Louis pointed out.

“Just drop it Louis.” Harry said through gritted teeth.

“Harry look at me.” Louis said, stepping closer towards the boy.

Harry just sighed.

“Harry, please.” Louis said quietly, reaching a hand forward to gently grip the other boys shoulder.

Harry leaned into Louis touch before turning to face him. 

“What really happened?” Louis whispered, his hand reaching up, his thumb running over the damaged skin. 

“I got into a fight.” Harry tried, gently pushing his face into Louis’ palm.

“No you didn’t.” Louis said.

“How would you know?” 

“Because your suspended and most likely grounded.” Louis said searching for answers in those deep emeralds.

Harry sighed, his eyes leaving Louis’.

“Tell me what happened, Harry?” Louis tried once more, “Who did this too you?”

“My stepdad.” Harry whispered, his eyes filling with warm tears.

“How often?” Louis asked, referring to how often Robin hits him.

“Hardly ever.” Harry lied, tears falling from his eyes.

“Harry…” Louis whispered, seeing straight through the lie, “How often does this happen?”

“Two or three times a month, more if he’s stressed or been drinking.” Harry mumbled.

“Does your Mum know?” Louis asked.

Harry shook his head, “Even if she did, she wouldn’t say anything. She knows how powerful Robin is. Saying something might cause him to hurt her too.” Harry’s voice broke at the thought of his mother being hurt too.

“Shh.” Louis cooed, pulling Harry into his embrace, “It’ll be alright, Harry. I’m here. I won’t let it happen again. It’s fine. It’ll all be fine.” He whispered into Harry’s soft curls as he felt Harry’s tears soak through his t-shirt. “It’s okay. I‘m here.”


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