Chapter 7

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“Where’ve you been boy?” Robin’s voice asked as Harry walked into the lounge room, his hair sticking out in all directions.

“Why are you home?” Harry asked,  startled by Robin’s presence. 

“That’s no way to speak to me.” Robin snapped, “Now, answer the question.”

“Sleeping.” Harry mumbled.

“It‘s nearly two?” Robin stated.

“Why do you care?” Harry snapped, looking up into those vicious eyes of his step Dad’s. 

“Don’t you dare talk to me like that.” Robin hissed.

“Sorry.” Harry muttered, looking down to his feet. “Where’s Mum?”

“Out buying groceries for next week.” Robin explained as he stood up.

Harry frowned, “What’s happening next week?”

“Oh she hasn’t told you? We’re going away.”

“What do you mean you’re going away?” Harry asked, following his step father into the kitchen.

“The company’s sending us to America for the week.” Robin explained.

“Oh okay, so you’re just up and leaving me then?” Harry asked.

“Oh don’t be a pussy. Anne said that boy, what’s his name? Lewis?”

“Louis.” Harry corrected.

“Whatever.” Robin said, “He’s coming to stay for the week.”

Harry gulped. Louis was coming here…to stay…over night…in the same house…for a week. A whole fucking week! Shit. Harry thought. 

“Boy? Boy! You listening?” Robin barked.

“Hmm?” Harry’s eyes shot up to meet Robin’s.

“I said I’m going back to work now. Don’t mess the house up.” Robin said sternly, before exiting the kitchen.

“Shit.” Harry groaned as the front door slammed shut.


“So I hear your staying here next week?” Harry said, as he and Louis forked Chinese out of small cardboard boxes clutched in their hands.

“Yeah.” Louis nodded, biting back his smile, “Is that okay?”

No. Harry thinks. “Yeah, s’fine.” He answers, “Are you okay with it?”

“Yeah, should be fun.” He replied, trying to ignore the churning of his stomach as he thought of spending a week with Harry. What could happen between them if he wasn’t careful. What could not only make him lose his babysitting job, but lose Harry too. And Louis didn’t want that. Even if Harry was supposably ‘straight’, it doesn’t stop Louis from feeling like this. Like he wants to touch Harry, kiss Harry, just be with Harry…all the fucking time!

“Louis. Louis?” Harry’s deep voice pulled Louis from his thoughts.

“Hmm, what was that?” Louis asked, his face turning a light shade of crimson.

“I said, don’t you have another job?” Harry repeated, shoving a forkful of noodles into his mouth.

“Err yeah…yeah I do.” Louis said, his mind still thinking about spending a whole week with the curly haired boy across from him.

“Are you going to tell me what it is or…?” Harry chuckled.

“Oh yeah, um…I work in a toy store.” Louis explained.

Harry nodded, “How are you meant to look after me if you have to work there too?”

“I only work there Tuesday’s, Thursday’s and Friday’s, plus it’s during the day so you’ll be a school.”

“Oh, okay.” Harry nodded, focusing back on is dinner.

“Harry?” Louis asked tentatively after a few minutes of silence.

“Yeah?” Harry asked, unaware of what Louis was about to ask.

“Can-can I ask you something?” 

“Sure.” Harry nodded, looking up to meet Louis’ eyes.

“Has your um…” Louis stopped. This was a bad idea.

“Has my what?” Harry asked, his brow creasing slightly.

“Has your,” Louis gulped, “Has Robin um…you know…again?”

Harry’s whole body tensed. He swallowed thickly before answering, “No,” He shook his head, “He hasn’t.”

“Good.” Louis nodded, “I’m sorry I asked.”

“N-no, it’s fine.” Harry said, “Excuse me.”

Louis watched as Harry stood from the table and exited the room.


It had been an hour since Harry had excused himself from the dinner table and Louis was getting worried. When Louis had gone to check on Harry, to see if he was okay, Harry had answered with a quiet “Yeah, I’ll be out in a minute,” from behind his bedroom door. That was over half an hour ago and Louis was confused as to what the younger boy was doing. 

After another gruelling ten minutes, Louis finally heard quiet footstep coming down the stairs.

“Hey.” Louis smiled as Harry entered the room, pulling his selves down over his newly cut wrists. “You changed your shirt.” Louis noticed.

“Oh y-yeah.” Harry said, looking down at his long sleeved top, “I did.”

Louis gave a small smile as Harry joined him on the couch. Louis frowned when he noticed Harry’s red rimmed eyes.

“Harry?” Louis started, causing the curly haired boy to face him, “Have-have you been crying?”

“No.” Harry stated as he reached for the remote.

“Harry, is that blood?” Louis asked, noticing a red stain on Harry’s sleeve as he reached for the remote.

“N-no.” Harry said, trying quickly to retract his hand but failed when Louis grab it in his own hands.

Louis looked down at the covered wrist in front of him. He was scared to pull the material back, fearful of what lay beneath. Harry tried to pull his arm back but Louis’ grip was too tight, as his shaking fingers peeled the material from Harry’s wrist.

Louis gasped loudly as he stared at the scared flesh. Some cuts old, only a pale pink scar was left and some newer, red and swollen against Harry’s delicate, white skin. Then, then there was six fresh ones; blood seeping from the sliced skin.

“Louis,” Harry’s voice broke, “I-I can explain.”

Louis looked up to be met with watery emeralds. The tears were threatening to spill and his bottom lip about to bust open as his teeth dug deep into it.

“I’m sorry.” Harry whispered as Louis eyes stared back down at his sliced skin.

Louis may have been worried about staying for a whole week, but now he wanted too. He needed too. Harry needed help and Louis was going to give it.


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