Chapter 14

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It’d been just over a week since Harry had last cut and he kind of felt proud of himself, so proud that he found himself crying with happiness, which had caused Louis to rush to his side and ask him what was wrong with panicked eyes. Harry had just laughed, his smile genuine as he told Louis why he was crying. More tears fell when Louis told him how proud he was of him and pulled him in for tight hug; soft kisses being pressed to his forehead. Louis had been so proud, he took Harry - Zayn also - out to celebrate. 

They had all eaten a delicious meal in a small Italian restaurant and had then walked just down the road to eat gelato for dessert. On the way home, Harry had fallen asleep on the back seat, his curls pressed flat against the window as he rested against it.

Louis kept sneaking glances in the rear view mirror; admiring plump lips and a pretty jaw line.

“You love him, don’t you?” Zayn asked quietly as they continued home.

“You know what Zayn,” Louis started, flashing a quick glance back at the sleeping teen. “I really do.”

Louis had missed the smile that formed on a not-really-asleep-but-just-resting-his-eyes Harry - who was all fluttery inside as he heard Louis say that - as he pulled into their driveway.

“Harry?” Louis cooed softly, thinking he was pulling the asleep boy out of his slumber.

“Mmm?” Harry hummed, his eyes still closed as he tried not to smile.

“We’re home.”

Harry made a show of fluttering his eyes open and yawning as he reached out for Louis, who helped unbuckle his seat belt and pulled him from the car and towards the flat.

“Goodnight beautiful,” Louis whispered as he tucked Harry into bed.

“Louis,” Harry said softly as Louis started to walk away.

“Yes?” Louis smiled as he turned back to the tired boy.

“I love you.”

Louis smiled wider. “I love you too Haz.” And with that, he kissed Harry’s forehead before tip toeing out the room.

Harry slept with a smile on his face the whole night.


“Lou?” Harry whispered from where he was standing next to Louis’ bed. 

No response.

“Louis?” Harry said again, shaking his shoulder.

“Hmm?” Louis hummed, before jolting up quickly. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

“Yes,” Harry laughed, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Calm down, I’m just cold.”

“Well come in here before you freeze your nuts off,” Louis laughed, lifting the covers up and shuffling over as Harry crawled in next to him.

“Mmm,” Harry hummed happily, melting into Louis’ side.

They slept like that for another hour or so before Harry woke again. Glancing at the clock over Louis’ shoulder, Harry noticed it was almost time for him to get up and go get ready for yet another painful day of school.

“Lou?” Harry whispered for the second time that morning, his finger poking at Louis’ cheek.

“No…” Louis drawled out, “wanna sleep.”

“Louis, I’m not feeling so great,” Harry lied, making his voice sound a bit scratchy and rougher than usual, not that Louis was really paying attention. “Can I stay home?”

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