Chapter 19 - Part 2

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As it turns out, Anne had thought long and hard about what Zayn had said. She thought about it from her son’s perspective. Louis’ also. She’d thought about how she would have been if she was Harry in the situation and if it would have been different or the same. She came to the conclusion that she would have acted the exact same as Harry. Poor Harry. He’d been so miserable and Anne felt so bad for him these past few weeks. All she wanted to do was fix those sad, dull eyes, that always seemed to be bloodshot and red rimmed, and make the pain go away. Anne thought about how her son didn’t seem to smile anymore, or talk for that matter. He’d come home from school without even a hello, before he’d lock himself in his room until dinner; which he never ate in the end, choosing to just push the food around with his fork before leaving without a word. He was horribly sad and it hurt Anne so bad to see him like that. She just wanted the best for Harry, and she was starting to see that her decision about Louis had been very wrong. As she was having an internal battle with herself, about what to do to help Harry, she’d heard a scream that was soon to change everything.

She had been bringing the groceries in when she’d heard this scream. With quick steps and panic in her eyes, Anne had dropped the last few bags and rushed back into the house and up the stairs to find Harry’s bedroom door (which had been locked) smashed open with Robin towering over her frightened son, whose cheeks were wet and wrists bloody. Robin was screaming at Harry, saying all these wicked things about him being pathetic and a faggot and loser and that no one wants him or loves him. But then his hand had come crashing down on to Harry’s cheek and Anne lost it, face red with angrier and eyes hard and menacing she grabbed Robin by the collar of his shirt and threw him out - much like she did with Louis. She’d thrown his things from an upstairs window and screamed for him to get the fuck out and never come back! Robin was so shocked by the seething Anne that he did just that; left. He left and Anne screamed and Harry just sat there, tears in his eyes and blood soaking into his sleeves.

After Anne had finally calmed down, she’d made her and Harry some tea. They sat at the kitchen table staring at each other, waiting for the other to say something. And when Harry finally did, Anne wished she had spoken first.

She cried as Harry told her about Robin. She couldn’t believe how this had all been happening right under her nose and had instantly promised that that man is never coming back and he will never hurt you again. Harry had been so relieved and thankful that he opened up some more with a; ”There’s something else Mum”. The cutting. Anne’s heart had dropped and her stomach churned when Harry showed her his scars. She’d cried harder than she had in her entire life; hand clutching to Harry’s across the table, wailing; “Why? Why would you do this!?” Harry had simply replied, “I was sad.” Then he promised to never do again and that it was all going to be okayThat’s when Anne made her mind up. Harry needed and Louis, and according to Zayn, Louis needed Harry just as much. So, Anne was going to get them back; the old Harry and Louis.

And that brings us to now; Harry sitting with his back against Louis’ chest, both staring at the movie on the tv screen in front of them (but neither really watching) with their hands entwined and breathing synchronised. 


“Yes Haz?”

“Do you think we’re gonna be okay?”

“You know what Haz?”

Harry perked up, turning his head to look back at Louis with a small, curious frown.

“I think we’re going to be just fine,” Louis told him, smiling as he kissed Harry’s forehead gently.

And for once, Harry thought that it would be too.

“I love you Louis,” he whispered.

Louis smiled softly. “I love you too Harry.”

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