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"Alright," Louis announced to Zayn as he smoothed down the front of his shirt. "I'm off."

Zayn turned to face Louis from his relaxed position on the couch; a spoon of cereal halfway to his mouth. "Looking good Lou," he smiled.

"Thanks mate," he smiled, bouncing on his feet.

Zayn chuckled. "Have fun, I'll see you when you get home eh?"

Louis nodded. "Don't wait up yeah? See ya!" he called as he headed for the door.

"Alright, don't forget protection!" Zayn yelled back, laughing.

"Twat," Louis mumbled.

Zayn grinned. "Love you!" he called sweetly.



"Stupid hair," Harry grumbled, shaking it out for the hundredth time.

"It looks fine Haz," Liam laughed, smacking his hand away.

"It's too curly," he sighed, pouting as he fell face first into his bed.

Niall burst out laughing, patting Harry's head softly. "You look fine Harry," he said, still giggling.

Harry groaned into the mattress, smacking Niall's hand away.

"Stop being so dramatic," Liam said, pulling his friend up. "Come on, fix yourself up, Louis' gonna be here soon."

Harry sighed, standing up and fixing his clothes.

"When's he getting you?" Niall asked, pulling Liam down into his lap, causing his boyfriend to blush pink.

Harry looked at his watch and gasped, green eyes widening. "Now!" he panicked, racing around the room to grab his phone and wallet, throwing a few bracelets on his wrist. "Do I look okay? Hair fine? Do my shoes match? They don't do they, shit I should-"


Harry froze, turning to the window too see Louis' car pulled up at the curb.

"Breathe Haz," Liam ordered softly.

Harry turned back to his friends. "Is it too late to cancel?"

Niall rolled his eyes, pushing Liam off his lap and crossing the room to place his hands on a panicking Harry's broad shoulders. "Harry, deep breath," he started. "You're going to be fine okay? You look hot, your hair is perfect and fuck, you smell good!" He exclaimed, sniffing Harry's neck loudly. "Can I borrow some of that?"

Harry's face broke into a smile.

Niall raised an eyebrow. "Is that a smile I see?"

Harry smiled wider, sighing heavily.

Niall smiled as Liam stood and walked over to the two. "Alright, have you got everything?"

Harry nodded. "Yes. Thanks guys," he smiled, pulling them in for a hug.

"Love you mate," Liam smiled.

"Alright alright," Niall said, pushing Harry away. "Go, Lou's waiting."

Harry nodded, grinning. "See you guys later, yeah?"

Liam smiled, wrapping his arm around his boyfriend's waist as he gave Harry a nod.

Niall waved, smiling brightly. "Bye Hazza, have a good time!"

Harry skipped down the stairs, heart racing as he reached for the door handle.

"You off Harry?"

Harry turned at the voice and saw his Mum standing in the hall, laundry basket under her arm and a small smile on her face.

"Yeah, Lou's here," he answered, pointing over his shoulder with his thumb.

Anne nodded. "Have fun then."

Harry gave a small smile, turning back to the door as his Mum started back down the hall. As he pulled the door open, Harry paused. "Mum?"

Anne turned around to face her son, questions in her eyes.

Harry said nothing for a few seconds, before smiling, speaking a soft, "I love you."

A large smile stretched across Anne's lips. "I love you too Harry," she said back, voice happy.

Harry smiled back before stepping out and closing the door.

"Hey gorgeous!"

Harry turned around to see Louis leaning over the top of his car, a bright smile on his face as he flashed a wink at him.

Harry grinned back, racing down the front path and slipping into the passenger seat.

Louis jumped in beside him, leaning over and kissing his lips softly. "Hey," he smiled, breath minty and face close to Harry's.

Harry smiled, cheeks colouring prettily. "Hi."

Louis chuckled, turning the car on and driving down the street. "Where too?" he asked, turning to look at Harry.

"As long as I'm with you," Harry started, turning to meet bright blue eyes. "Anywhere."

Louis grinned as he began to drive.


"Oh," Louis started. "I have something for you."

Harry's eyes lit up. "What is it?"

Louis reached behind Harry's seat and into the back, pulling out a small sketch book. "Here."

Harry looked at Louis curiously, before opening to the first page. He gasped softly. Harry had almost forgotten about Louis' talent after everything that had happened.

It was a sketch; the page was dark, harsh lines of black and red scratched across it. It showed so much anger, so much emotion. Harry could feel his eyes welling up.


"Keep going."

So Harry turned through the pages slowly, soaking in the harsh lines, dull colours and emotions etched into the pages.

"I drew these after everything that happened," Louis explained quietly. "I was so upset, I didn't know what to do. So I just picked up my pencil and drew till my hands cramped up."

Harry nodded weakly, eyes trained on the pages. Each page showed Louis' pain, what he felt, how upset he'd been. It was like looking into Louis' brain, his soul. Harry was feeling everything Louis had felt. And it was painful.

Then Harry reached the last page and couldn't but smile, cheeks wet with quiet tears.

It was him and Louis simply holding hands; shirts slightly crinkled on their bodies and their fingers entwined between them. Louis was leaning over and kissing Harry's cheek. He was smiling, dimple dipping deep in his cheek. It was so simple, but it was just them. It just showed how easy their love for each other was. How simple it was for them to love each other, to get stuck in their little world. It was simple, but perfect.

"You know I am hopelessly in love with you right?" Harry asked softly, placing his hand over Louis' on the gear shift.

Louis just smilied out the windscreen. He knew.



Thanks for making it to the end, hope you enjoyed...

If you'd like to read more, head over to my ao3 @Stoleapartofme 

T xx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2022 ⏰

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