Chapter 18

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"Harry love? You awak-" Anne froze halfway into Harry's bedroom. Her eyes widened as she smacked a hand over her mouth. Harry. Louis. Harry and Louis. Harry was with bed; his arms wrapped around her son, pulling him close to his chest like he was his boyfriend or something. Anne felt a little disgusted. The babysitter, which she hired out of trust, was sleeping with her son. A nineteen year old with a sixteen year old. It was sick! Well, to Anne it was. 

"Harry Edward Styles! What the hell is going on here!" She seethed. 

Louis and Harry jumped at the loud yell, eyes flicking open. Then blue met green and their brains clicked and their hearts started racing, both sitting up to meet a red faced Anne, her eyes cold and fists clenched.

"Mum," Harry breathed, eyes wide with panic. 

She raised a perfectly arched brow.

Louis scrambled out of bed, silently thankful for the fact he was still fully clothed. "Anne, please-" he started but Anne stopped him with a hard hand.

"Don't," she said coldly. 

"Mum please, I can explain," Harry said, crawling to the end of the bed.

"You, shut your mouth!" Anne hissed at Harry. "And you," she started, turning to Louis and pointing a stern finger at him. "Leave my house right now before I call the cops you sick bastard."

"Mum no!"

"Not a word Harry!" She flashed a vicious glare at him, which made Harry instantly duck his head, shutting up.

Louis hurriedly placed his shoes back on.

"Don't you dare come near my son again!" She hissed, clutching to his shirt sleeve, pulling him out Harry's room. "If you so as step within 100 feet of my son, I will have you arrested. Do you understand!?"

Louis nodded. "Please Anne-"

"Shut the fuck up and get out. Now!" She yelled, pushing him out the door.

Anne may have been a small lady, but fuck was she strong. Her push had caused Louis to trip down the three front steps, falling onto his arse. "Fuck," he cursed as Anne slammed the door.

Harry heart skipped as he heard the slam. He couldn't believe it. Everything he was and loved had just been ripped away and crumbled down in less than a minute. He felt tears spring to his eyes as he hobbled over to the window, pressing his hand against the glass. "Lou," he whimpered, watching him walk down the front path. He tapped on the glass, praying Louis would hear him.

Louis turned around halfway down the Styles' front path, turning to see Harry at the window, face crumbling as he cried. "I love you," he mouthed to him.

Harry placed both hands on the window, desperate to hold Louis just once more. He sniffled. "Louis!" he cried.

"Bye Haz," Louis whispered, wiping a tear as he turned back around, walking away from the boy he loved.


It'd been a week since Anne had found them, and Harry wasn't coping well. He'd started cutting again. The first time was after Anne had argued with him about what happened, telling him he was never to talk to Louis again or she'd ship him off to boarding school. The second was when she'd ripped his phone from his desperate hands, taking away his only chance of talking to Louis. The third was when she'd grounded him. ("You're only allowed to go to school; no where else for a three months!"). The fourth was the worst, it was right as Anne was telling Robin about it in the next room. The fifth was after he'd been slammed into the wall with a stinging cheek and kicked in ribs, spit falling into his wet, red eyes. And the sixth was about to happen because he just really missed Louis and he felt so guilty for hurting himself against and he just wanted Louis and his kisses and his voice and his warmth. He just needed him so bad right now that, as he cut deep into his thigh, he thought about leaving it all. He thought about escaping the pain the hole in his heart was causing. He just wanted Louis, so bad.


"How you doing Lou?" Zayn asked the lump under the covers.

"Fucking fantastic," Louis mumbled sarcastically.

Zayn sighed, rubbing his back. 

Louis hadn't stop crying for a week. Everything hurt. He tired to sleep, but he'd just dream of curly hair and long fingers. So he stayed awake, where his mind would drift off to green eyes and lanky limbs. There was no escaping his Harry Thoughts. He was so desperate to see him. He just wanted to know he was okay. That he wasn't doing anything stupid. That he wasn't cutting. Louis swallowed thickly. Just thinking about Harry starting that again made Louis' stomach twist and turn and his heart miss beats and hate himself. He should have been more careful. He should have set an alarm so he could have left early, before Anne had woken up. But he had just felt so right, so warm with Harry pressed against him that the thought of leaving him made him sad. But if had only known what would happen, he would have left. Fuck, he would have been out of there so fast he would have been a blur. But he didn't  And now he's hurting, so so bad that it's hard to breathe. Every intake of air hurts every bone in Louis' body. Every beat of his heart, makes the hole in it bigger. Louis' scared that soon the hole will grow so big that his body will just shrivel up and he won't be able to move. Not that he's moved at all from his bed this week, but still. He just wants to stop being sad. Louis hates seeing others sad, so when he's sad, he just can't handle it. He doesn't know what to do. He just can't anymore. He just wants to be numb. No. He just wants Harry.

He didn't understand how he could fall for someone so quickly. It was insane. This boy had just come into his life, with no intention of anything happening, and he has just completely turned his life upside down. I mean, Louis knew he liked Harry, loved him when the were together. But now that they're apart, he realises that he can't live without him. In the short time Louis has known Harry, he has formed such a connection with him, that now they can't be together, he can feel it fading, and it hurts. Not seeing those bright green eyes or that cheeky smile everyday has made Louis realise he was completely in love with this boy. Falling so strongly for Harry had made Louis realise that he wants to be with him. Only him, for as long as Harry will have him. He wants to spend his life with this boy. He wants too cook him breakfast on their anniversary, and end up burning it all so they have to go out instead. He wants to take care of Harry when he's sick and help him move in. He wants to go shopping as a couple and buy their first pet together. He wants to fall asleep and wake up next to Harry and laze around their apartment on a cold Sunday, drinking tea and painting and making love. He just wants Harry, and everything he is. He was going to get him back. Whatever it took.

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