Chapter 4

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Louis sat on the couch in the Styles household, a pencil in his hand and a sketch book resting on his knees. Harry was in his room, doing god knows what, as Louis sketched curly hair and emerald green eyes. 

Louis knew it was risky to be sketching the curly haired boy who was just upstairs, but he had to draw the expression Harry made when Louis told him he was gay. Harry wasn’t angry or surprised. It was some other expression that Louis hadn’t see before. When Louis told Harry, he had a glint in his eye. Almost like he was hiding something. Louis still couldn’t put his finger on it, but there was just something about Harry. Something intriguing. 

A crash upstairs caused Louis to draw a harsh line across his page. He cursed before glancing at the stairs. What was that boy doing? 

“Harry?” Louis called, as he headed upstairs in search of the crash, “You okay?”

“Shit.” He heard Harry curse from his bedroom. 

“Harry?” He knocked, “Everything okay in there?”

“Y-yeah, s’fine.” He called back, before cursing again.

“I’m coming in.” Louis said as he reached for the door handle.

“No!” Harry called suddenly, “I’m fine. N-no need to come in.”

“You sure?”

“Just go, Louis!” Harry yelled.

Louis was taken aback by Harry’s harsh tone, but listened to him anyway. He left the boy and headed back downstairs. Little did Louis know, as he attempted to erase the harsh line across his work, Harry was trying to erase the blood from his wrists. 

Harry had evidently cut to deep and flung his arm out in pain, causing his lamp shade to smash to pieces. When Harry heard Louis’ calls he cursed himself for being so reckless. But he need relief. He felt so bad for what had happened in the car earlier and for what he did to Liam and Niall. Harry just felt bad…all the time. 

When Louis heard footsteps coming down the stairs sometime later, he quickly shut his sketch book and turned the TV on just as Harry entered the room. 

“What’re you watching?” Harry asked, pulling his sleeves further down his arms as he sat down next to Louis.

Louis shrugged, “Some show.”

Harry watched the show as Louis peered at him. He wanted to ask what had happened, but thought against it.

“So, you’re Mum won’t be home till late,” Louis started, “What do you want for tea?”

Harry sighed and shrugged his shoulders.

“She’s not home a lot, is she?” Louis asked, noticing Harry sadden expression at the mention of his Mum.

“No.” Harry whispered, “She’s not.”

Louis knew he had struck a nerve. 

“What about your Dad?” 

“He’s not my Dad.”

“Okay, step Dad.”

“No!” Harry said sternly, “He’s not my father. Not my step father. He’ll never be anything close to it.”

“Okay.” Louis backed off, looking away awkwardly.

“Pizza.” Harry mumbled.

Louis frowned.

“I want pizza for dinner.” He explained.

Louis took a second to register before nodding, standing and pulling out his phone to place an order.

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