Danger on the Rise //CHAPTER 24

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The sound comes clearly from ahead of the group; from the darkness of the far side of the parking lot. A dark blue Camaro is waiting in the shadows, headlights flashing like a light tower signal. 

It revs, alerting everyone to its presence. 

'Back in the mall!' Nancy yells, smacking the window and gesturing for everyone to evacuate the car. 'Back in the mall! Go! Go, go, go!' 

The double doors are thrown open, as they scramble for safety. Mike pulls out his radio, calling for help, while Lucas stretches the band on his slingshot. The scene is almost reminiscent of their first dangerous exploit, during which the Demogorgon was the only threat. 

'Scoops Troop, do you copy?' Mike says, pacing around the large area. It's been quite a habit of his; whenever he's anxious, or angry, he paces. Much like how when Eleven is angry, things get thrown. 'Scoops Troop, do you copy? Scoops Troop, do you copy? Scoops Troop, I repeat, do you copy? We're trapped in the mall and in need of emergency transportation.' 

Scoops Troop does not copy. 'Scoops Troop, do you copy? Billy has found us. He has disabled our car and we are trapped in the mall. Repeat: Billy has disabled our car and we are trapped in the mall. Scoops Troop-' 

On the other side of the mall, possibly the bravest of members, Nancy Wheeler, loads up a gun. 

'You're gonna kill him, aren't you?' Max says, her eyebrows furrowed. 

'This is just a precaution, okay?' Nancy assures her. 

'And not just against Billy,' Will says, still holding onto Y/N's hand. 'If he knows we're here, so does the Mind Flayer.' 

'Scoops Troop, I repeat, we are in need of emergency transportation. Do you copy? Scoops Troop, do you copy?' 

'No chance that thing'll drive, right?' Nancy scoffs, pointing at the destroyed red car that El flipped while trying to get rid of the medival cushions. 

'Steve, do you copy?' Mike's voice echoes in the distance. 

'We don't need it to drive.' Jonathan says, raising an eyebrow. 


'We just need the ignition cable.' 

And so their work is set out. All they have to do is flip a car. 

Easy, right?

'Push!' Lucas urges from the trunk end. 

There's a loud crash as the car is dropped again. 

'Shit!' Mike huffs. 

'Let me try,' El suggests. 

'El...' Mike trails off. 

'I can do it,' El urges. 

She holds out her hand, concentrating. It's after about thirty seconds that the truth becomes clear. Her powers are drained, or at least for now. The most logical reason for this, is that the strain caused when she ripped the piece of Mind Flayer out of her skin was damaging. 

It's likely her powers won't be back for the time being. 

As for the other girl blessed, or cursed, depending on how you look at it, with powers...it's not entirely clear why hers are still intact. 

Perhaps this is because she did not have to force through the pain of pulling a living thing out of your own skin. Maybe it's because hers have been used less. Or maybe it's that she's emotionally stronger, having grown up amongst friends and family. 

Whatever the reason, her powers must be put to use. 

'Let me try,' Y/N says, standing on the other side of the car. El looks upset, as for once in her life, her abilities have failed her. 'It's okay, El.' The girl smiles sadly. 'You can rest now.' 

Y/N closes her eyes, feeling the energy pulsate around her. She slowly brings her hands forward in an upward motion, blue energy swirling around her fingertips. It's not just a large bolt this time. It takes shape, slowly lifting the car off of the ground and turning it in the air. As soon as she opens her eyes, the car falls back down, and the energy flows back into her. 

'Damn, have you ever done that before?' Max's eyes are wide. 

'No,' Y/N shrugs. 'I didn't know I could.' 

'How do we get it open?' Nancy asks.

'Uh, there should be a latch,' Jonathan says. 'Check under the wheel.' Nancy goes around the other side of the car. 'You see it?' 

'I don't know, hold on.' 

'What's she doing?' Max tilts her head to the side. El's standing in front of the garbage can, the coke container sitting just on the edge. 

'El. Are you okay?' 

And then, Will brings his hand to the back of his neck. 

Chaos ensues once more. 

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