The Sauna Test // CHAPTER 10

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'I don't know.' Max says, adjusting her binoculars. 'He looks pretty normal to me.'

'Normal? How many times have you seen him with a shirt on?' Lucas asks, leaning farther onto the car. 

'I mean, it's a little weird,' Max admits. 

'More than a little,' Mike says. 'He was in a tub with ice. The Mind Flayer likes it cold. Plus everything else...' 

'But he's lounging at the pool, which is, like, the least Mind Flayer thing ever,' Max argues. 

'Not necessarily,' I say. 

'The Mind Flayer likes to hide,' Will adds. 'He only used me when he needed me. It's like... like you're dormant. And then, when he needs you, you're activated.' 

'Okay, so we just...wait until he gets activated,' Max says slowly. 

'No. What if he hurts someone?' Mike points out. 

'Or kills someone.' Will says. 

'We can't take that chance. We need to find out if he's the host,' Mike says, walking away. 

'Where are you going?' Max asks. 

'I have an idea. Boys only,' Mike gestures to Will and Lucas. 

'Seriously?' I glare. 

'Just trust me on this one.' Mike calls. 

'He's such an asshole sometimes,' I say, rolling my eyes. 

Max just stares at me. 'What?' 

'Tell us!' She punches me in the arm.

'Tell you what?' 

'Did something happen between you and Will?' She grins. 

'No,' I say, shaking my head. 'We just-showered together...' 

'That's not nothing!' Max raises her voice. 'Was it good?' 

'Was what good?' 

'I don't understand,' El frowns. 

'That's because there's nothing to understand,' I say with a huff. 'We just kissed, that's all.' 

Max sighs. 'Alright, fine.' 

'We figured out a plan,' Lucas says, running towards us. 

'Great,' I say, still feeling like my face is on fire. 

'Why do you look so red?' Mike asks, frowning. 

'Just shut up.' 


'This'll do,' El says, holding up a dummy that she pulled off the shelf. 

I nod. 

'Hey, I found the breakers.' Mike says, barging into the storage room. He grabs the dummy out of El's arms. 

'Whoa, that thing is super creepy. Let me see it.' He says. 'I think this'll work. Right, buddy?' Mike raises his pitch like two octaves. 'Right, Mike.' 

El doesn't look impressed. She takes it back, leaving the room. 

'Hey, El...' Mike calls after her. 'I just wanted to say... You know when I said Nana was sick? She wasn't. I lied.' 

'News flash, that was blatantly obvious,' I say over my shoulder, walking down the hallway towards Will. 

'What are they arguing about?' Will asks, testing the metal chains in his hands. 

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