Plot: “Won’t you become my girlfriend?” On the day of her high school entrance ceremony, Ao got asked that by Riku, a guy that she has only just met. But by that, he meant to ask her to become his fake girlfriend, just to pretend. Ao was surprised by the sudden request, but after knowing Riku’s true feeling, she decided to agree to become his fake girlfriend...?
My Opinion: This one is another one that I seriously love! It was so awesome and I just love it! It kept me on the edge of my seat and serious at one point I was wondering who Ao was going to end up with in the end. It is one of those manga's love triangle manga and it is really good! I love how Ao develope feelings for Riku but things gets complicated for them later in the manga. I believe this series is completed! So there are 24 chapters to enjoy of this manga!
My Favorite Character: Ao, she goes through a lot in the manga and I am amaze she makes it through all of that heartache! She needs a strong woman reward because she is... after going through of that heartache she deserves it! T.T
Favorite Couple: RikuXAo! They are so meant for each other! It really did upset me when they both take wrong turns and you just want to slap them upside their head and tell them no you are meant for each other! But how it all turns out, I love it!
This manga is pretty good. Though it is not long I still really love it. You end up understanding each character and understand their feelings. It kept me on the edge of my seat and I was begging for more when I had to wait for the next update!
If you are looking for a good love triangle, I suggest trying this one out.
Favorite Romantic Anime and Manga
RandomMy favorite romantic manga and anime that I recommend reading or watching! Enjoy!