🔮 Shiroi Vs Yamoshi🔮

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*Shiroi walks to a remote cave located far away from the Leaf Village. Upon arrival, he began to search for clues and used his Byaku Sharingan to scan the area. As he explored the cave, he stumbled upon a sword lying on the ground and decided to hold onto it as a precaution. Despite the dampness of the cave, Shiroi continued to venture further in and found himself walking through puddles of water. He eventually noticed that the water was coming from a hole above and kept moving forward.

As he continued to walk deeper into the cave, Shiroi suddenly heard a loud pounding sound that seemed to be coming from somewhere in the dark. He raised the sword and cautiously made his way towards the source of the noise. The sound abruptly stopped, and Shiroi remained still, waiting for another indication of movement. Suddenly, he felt a swift movement behind him, prompting him to turn around to investigate the source of the disturbance.*

While searching for the source of the disruptive wind noises, Shiroi suddenly becomes the target of an unexpected attack. A black staff is hurled at Shiroi from the darkness, but with a swift WHOOSH, the staff narrowly misses striking Shiroi. Fortunately, Shiroi manages to evade the attack and begins to scan the area in search of the assailant responsible for throwing the staff.

A large Dark Cyan Skeletal hand comes out of The dark and attacks Shiroi. Shiroi looks over his shoulder and Blocks it with his early style jutsu. Zumo looks towards someone walking at him.*

As the figure walks up they started to laugh "Hahahaha, Hi Shiroi Hyuga is been too long. How's the leaf?"

*Yamoshi comes out of pure darkness with anger and still has one eye.*

Shiroi replied seriously "Yamoshi, never thought of running into you again. What are you up to?"

Yamoshi looks up and answers "I'm just here living life, shouldn't say the same for you!

*Yamoshi launches an attack towards Shiroi causing him to crash into a nearby wall. Summoning his staff, Yamoshi hurls it towards Shiroi, who swiftly dodges the incoming weapon. Reacting quickly, Shiroi unsheathes his sword and slices it across Yamoshi's face. In response, Yamoshi kicks Shiroi's arm, causing him to drop the sword and spin through the air with a back kick that sends Shiroi crashing to the ground. As Shiroi gets back up and flips backward, Yamoshi rushes towards him and lands a powerful kick, sending Shiroi flying. "What... He...every kick," Shiroi exclaim as he tumbles backward.*

Shiroi seizes one of Yamoshi's legs and unleashes a burst of powerful electricity, causing Yamoshi to recoil. Yamoshi responds by striking Shiroi with his spear, Shiroi leaps into the air and creates a clone, which he hurls at Yamoshi. Yamoshi engages the clone in hand-to-hand combat and destroys it with a swift blow. Shiroi charges at Yamoshi, who blocks Shiroi's strike and retaliates with a punch. Shiroi parries the punch, strikes Yamoshi's back, and delivers a knee to his liver. Yamoshi throws Shiroi off and summons his staff. Shiroi uses his kunai to fend off the staff, rolls away, and slices Yamoshi's leg. Shiroi then conjures a massive fireball jutsu. Yamoshi teleports behind Shiroi and swings his staff, but Shiroi evades the attack by bending back and flipping over Yamoshi, delivering a kick to his back. Yamoshi is injured and rebounds, prompting Shiroi to jump into the air and lunge at him with his kunai. However, Yamoshi suddenly disappears, and Shiroi is caught off guard, resulting in Yamoshi stabbing him with his cloak and then striking him on the head with his staff. *

*Shiroi uses Lightning Style: Chidori stream and cloaked around him*

*Yamoshi stops in his tracks as he sees Shiroi then using a Chidori to get out of the way.*

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