Missing Persons Case

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I woke up, body aching, legs unable to move. We had sex at least six times last night before we were too tired to have anymore. Daryl was awake already, scrolling through Instagram.
"Hey baby.", I kissed his cheek, and turned to rest my head on the pillow and face him.
"Hi.", he smiled. "Are you okay? I went pretty rough on you last night."
"I'm fine. I enjoyed it.", I winked.
He chuckled lightly and went back to scrolling through his daily feed.
I decided to let my body weight rest on the bed instead of my boyfriend and that was when mine and Daryls phone chimed at the same time. Concern began to form on our faces and instead of reading it from my phone, which was on the other side of the room anyway, we checked the message on his phone together.

Good morning people of Sea Corner,

We have recently been informed of a missing person, named Daniel Griffin. He was reported missing on the 3rd of March and was last seen on 26th of February. If anyone Ha any leads or has seen the young man recently, please contact the local police station, as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Daryl laughed at this email. I looked up at him, why was he laughing?
For fucks sake, his best friend had been missing for more than a week and he was laughing?!
This was a major red flag.
There was something definitely wrong with either Daryl or there friendship. I was hoping it was their friendship.
I grabbed the phone of Daryl and re-read the email again, making sure what I was seeing was correct.
"Hey!", he shouted in annoyance. He tried to grabe it off me but I had learned to be quick when with my boyfriend so I extended my arm out so he couldn't reach it.
"What's so funny?", I asked. "Are you, like, okay in the head?", I tapped the phone on the side of my head.
He shrugged and tried again and I let him have it.

After I took a paracetamol, I put on my jacket and left Daryls house. Deciding that it was finally time to try to find Daniel.
My car was at home, and me and Daryl didn't live far from each other so I got there quickly and got inside. Quickly, I slipped my key inside the lock and my car started.
The first place I decided to look was the City Centre.
I remembered that Daniel was one of those guys that was a little corrupt. He liked to do illegal shit like drugs and stuff. So if there was one place he would be making a deal, it would be the crime filled City Centre of Seattle.
It took me about an hour to get to the City but once I did, I began my journey on foot. Firstly I decided to check the last place we spoke. The McDonalds parking lot, but it was empty, so I guessed he wasnt there. Fiddling with my phone, I contemplated to ask Daryl if he could give me his number, but I resort to that if I couldn't fine him. I checked the time on my phone, 13:59PM.
It was only two o clock in the fucking afternoon!
I got back into car and drove through through the city. I was going to find Daniel. Reluctantly, I drove through the more unstable part of the city. The part where Daniel was probably going to be.
I parked my car five minutes from the area I was going to venture into, and grabbed my pepper spray.
Stay safe out there, ladies!
I stuffed it into my pocket and began walking. This was something that I knew, if caught, would get me into a load of trouble. Hell, everyone would think I decided to do this shit because of my Tommy. That would be typical.
I shook the idea out of my head and went through the alleyways.
Some older boys, around 20 years old stood inside them, all inhaling the same toxic smoke.
I shifted uncomfortably, knowing all their bloodshot, beady eyes were all watching me.
My hands reached for the pepper spray, ready to spray if anyone tried to touch me. But luckily they left me alone.
"...what have you got?", I heard someone speak an alleyway in front of me. I walked through it and stopped before I reached the corner.
"Nothing, bro. Promise, I'll pay you back soon.", a familiar voice spoke.
I peeked my head through but it wasn't Daniel who was speaking. It was Tommy. What was he doing out of prison? And then it hit me, there was still one more court hearing before he could be placed it prison and the judge made their decision. I left the alleyway and went out the neighbourhood. It wasn't safe here, and I needed to go back. I then remembered that I still had Daryl to help me so I grabbed my phone and dialed his number in.
After two rings he picked up,
"Hey.", he spoke first.
"Daryl, I know this might sound really weird but I need Daniels number.", I said.
"What? Are you really trying to find him?", he sounded slightly jealous.
"Daryl.", I warned.
"Sure. I'll text it to you.", he replied.
"Thanks.", I said and ended the call.
A minute later my phone pinged and my eyes lit up at the number that Daryl had sent me.
I pressed on it and it redirected me to the phone app where it automatically started calling his phone. Nervously, with shaking hands, I pressed the phone up to my ears and I heard it stop ringing.
Someone had picked up.
"Hello?", Daniel spoke.
I gasped, afraid to speak. Ever since he head ruined my car, I hadn't spoken to him.
So, it would be awkward to speak to him after all that. He was angry, that was for sure but that didnt excuse the fact that he beat up Daryl.
"H-hi.", I spoke, softly.
"Hello?", he shouted into the phone. I realised that I hadn't even said it and I was mouthing it.
I fixed my posture up and spoke clearly this time.
"Hi.", I said.
There was silence from his end.
"Julie?", he questioned.
"Hi, Daniel.", I spoke.
"How did you get my number?", his tone of voice changed. He was now pissed off.
"Where are you?", I asked, ignoring his question. I tried my best to sound worried.
"Why do you care? Daryl dumped you, didn't he?", he spoke in a baby voice when he spoke about Daryl. I shifted in my seat.
"No. There was a text that was sent out this morning that said that you were missing."
"That doesn't stop you to ignore it nor does did you try to find me the day after.", he challenged.
I groaned. How would I get him to tell me where he was?
"Daniel please.", I tried.
"Oh, fuck off with that stupid sad girl shit. I'm not falling for it again. Don't call me again.", and with that he ended the call.
"Shit!", I slammed my hand on the steering wheel, pushing down on the horn. It made a huge noise and I took my hands from it.
And then my phone pinged next to me.
It was a text message from the same number I had called. It was Daniel.
46 Equarial Street.
I smiled and got out of my car.
Slowly and cautiously, I went back through the alleyways until I found a tall, muddy brown brick building standing tall in front of me. I read the numbers placed by the door, 40-50 Equarial Street. I pulled the door open and surprisingly it flung open. Quickly, I walked inside. The flat stunk of cigarette smoke, and something else. I didn't know what it was though. I wrinkled my nose and the stench as I ascended the stairs. It was incredibly dirty. Cigarettes butts, and drugs all left to lie on the floor. When I finally reached the part of the flat where Daniel was staying I stopped at the front of his door.
It was dark blue, with the number 46 barley hanging on the door. I raised my hand to knock, contemplating if I should even be here, doing this in the first place. And then I forced myself to knock.
I banged on the door three times before it opened.
And Daniel was standing there, staring me coldly in the eye.

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