𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 38.

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As soon as Joel's eyes opened he ripped the blanket off of him but he released a low groan when felt the sharp pain in his abdomen. He grabbed onto the place where his sewed up wound was, cursing under his breath.

"Makayla?" He asked, standing up although it was more than hard.

"Makayla?!" He asked again but there was no sight of her.

He stomped to the other side of the cellar, grabbing his backpack from the ground.

He felt weak. But he had to look for her.

He walked up the stairs, opening the door only to appear in an empty kitchen. He leaned against the counter, trying to catch a breath while still holding onto his wound that was aching with every step.

"Where the hell are you.." he mumbled to himself and proceeded to walk out of the house.

The village was empty. No sight of her so he kept walking.

The snow started falling as he made his way to the end of the village,

"Makayla?!" He shouted but nothing.  Until something he wasn't expecting happened.

"Gotcha asshole!" A man shouted from behind him, grabbing him from behind while another one appeared in front of him with a knife in his hand.

"Finish him off!" The guy that was holding Joel shouted but Joel was quicker. He kicked the guy in front of him, making him drop to his knees before Joel broke free from the grasp, smashing the man's head against the wall of the house.

Then he turned to look at the one who still had a knife in his hand. Joel took it from him and grabbed him, pulling him inside of the house, "You come with me."

"Let me go I'll fuck you up." The man spat as Joel dragged him in and tied him up before he making him sit on the ground with his back against the wall.

He then went to take the other man that was still unconscious from the impact and he did the same with  him making him sit in a chair across the room from the other one.

Meanwhile he walked over to the one on the ground, endowing him with a few hard punches until his face was bleeding waterfalls. And when he heard the other groan as he woke up Joel stood up, grabbed the knife and went to sit in a chair in front of him.

"Now. The girl...is she alive?!" Joel asked, his face stone cold as the man shook his head, "What girl? I don't know no girl!"

Joel fummed before he stabbed his knee with the knife, deep enough to make him scream from pain. 

He bend over, cursing while the knife remained in his knee.

Joel grunted, slapping his chin twice to make him look up, "Focus, right here. Right here. Or I'll pop your goddamn knee off."

Joel pierced his eyes into him.

"The girl." Joel demanded with his deep and dangerous voice.

The man just sobbed out, "She's alive, she's David's new pet."

Joel looked away with another furious grunt before he dug the knife even deeper and pushed to the side almost carving his knee out completely and the man released another scream.

"Where?!" Joel groaned in his face and didn't even wait for him to answer as he dragged the knife all around his knee.

"In the town! In the town!" He managed to talk and scream at the same time and Joel took the knife out and instead he placed it in the man's mouth and made him bite into the wooden side.

"Now you're gonna mark it on the map and it better be the same exact spot your buddy points to. Mark it." Joel showed him the map and the man did as he said before spitting the knife out.

"It's right there. You can verify it, go ask him. Go on. He'll tell ya. Ain't lying. Ain't lying.." he cried out and Joel stood up. And as he walked past him he suddenly pulled the man into a chokehold, choking him to death in seconds.

His body, still tied to the chair fell to the ground right in front of his friend, who was watching with his eyes wide, "Fuck you man! He told you what you wanted! Ain't telling you shit!"

Joel just grabbed a metal bat and looked down at him, "That's alright. I believe him." He said before mercilly beating him to death.


Makayla woke up on the cold floor again, a loud click was what woke her up and James stepped inside the cell she was in.

"Wakey wakey. C'mon!" He shouted pulling Makayla from the ground but she pushed into him making him stumble back and before they were about to launch at each other again David's voice interrupted them.

"That's enough. Come here." David's voice was as usually calm as he ordered Makayla to come closer and she knew something sketchy was happening when another man walked inside. All three of them exchanged a look before him and James threw themselves at Makayla, grabbing her. She was struggling in their grasp as they managed to place her on the table and hold her down while David stood above her, "I hoped you wouldn't be one of the difficult ones."

"What? You often kidnap girls?!" She barked, the vein on her neck visible as she kept trying to break free.

"We like to have fun. And if they protest too much we kill them." David declared, grabbing a chopper and Makayla whined, shifting side to side so James punched her right in the face and blood rushed from her eyebrow as she cursed, shutting her eyes.

"So all those dead bodies.." she spoke, now calm.

She realized what David and his group were doing. Kidnaping girls, raping them and killing them, perhaps even eating them.

Her heart was beating out of her chest when David started swaying the chopper above her face.

She could feel the other men release their grip on her so she took that for advantage, kicking one of them in the gut hard, making him stumble back.

"I warned you!" David shouted and was about to stab her with the chopper but Makayla shifted to the side and the chopper dug into the table, she broke free from James's grasp and grabbed the chopper, slicing open his throat before jumping down from the table and stabbing the other guy with it.

Then she looked at David. They were both on each side of the table.

"You have no where to run." David said and Makayla swiftly looked around, noticing a window behind her.

"Watch me." She said, breaking the window and jumping through just before David would manage to grab her.

KILL THE TRUTH | 𝐽𝑜𝑒𝑙 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑟 (This Story Is Going Through Corrections)Where stories live. Discover now