𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 40.

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They continued walking down the road, eventually entering the city.

"We could cut through here c'mon." Joel called out from the front and walked inside a building that looked like an old opera house.

There wasn't much stuff inside for such place.

Makayla followed him and Joel started searching the place right away.

Meanwhile Makayla just sat down on an old bench in the middle of the room.

And after a while Joel's low voice once again got her out of the trance.

"You alright?" He approached her, looking down at her.

"You just kinda seem extra quiet today." He murmured and looked at her as if he was trying to read her thoughts. He seemed worried. It was sweet.

"Sorry." Was all she managed to say but Joel quickly interrupted her,

"No. It's not...it's fine." He reassured her, scratching the back of his neck. He didn't wanna pressure her into saying anything else.

"C'mon." He gave her a hand and she took it as he pulled her to her feet.

He looked around, seeing a ladder on the inside balcony of the room as he went to lean against the wall and Makayla understood right away.

She placed her foot on his palm and he pushed her up with ease so she could hand him the ladder to climb it.

And just as she pushed the ladder down, she heard heavy stomps behind her, making her look back.

Joel sighed when the ladder fell to the ground creating a rumble since she basically threw it.

"Joel you gotta see this." She called out running after something.

"What is it?...Makayla!" He shouted, climbing up.

"C'mon!" She called out as Joel followed her by the windows when he saw a shadow behind one of them.

"What the hell is.." he mumbled with his forehead creased when Makayla spoke from the end of the hallway.

"Joel.." She said, looking in front of herself and when Joel finally got to her he could see why she was freaking out.

There was a giant hole in the wall. Almost the whole side missing and what he saw was almost unbelievable.

There was a giraffe, eating some of the leaves grown along the wall.

"What are you doing?" Makayla asked when she saw Joel walking towards the animal.

"It's alright." He said to the giraffe as he reached out his hand to stroke her long neck.

"C'mere, c'mere." He motioned Makayla with his other hand as she went to step closer.

He gently grabbed Makayla's hand while he was still petting the giraffe and he placed Makayla's hand on her too.

She smiled, scratching her gently before she pulled back and the giraffe started walking away.

"C'mon." Makayla said to Joel, still makimg her way by the windows until she got to a staircase, running up.

There was a balcony outside or more like a small look out.

"That's incredible." She breathed out when she sensed Joel behind her.

There was more of those majestic creatures. Living in peace, having no infected around.

Joel leaned against the stockade too, close to Makayla.

"This everything you were hopin' for?" Joel asked, looking at her while she was still hypnotized by them.

"I'm not sure but...you can't deny the view though." She forced a smile.

They could hear the birds singing and the wind blowing gently

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They could hear the birds singing and the wind blowing gently. Everything about this moment was peaceful.

They stayed like that for a few seconds before Joel backed away and was about to open the door that would lead them further but he hesitated, his palm wrapped around the handle.

His eyes shifted to the floor, frowning.

And then he said something maybe not even he expected

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And then he said something maybe not even he expected.

"We don't have to do this.You know that right?"

His words made Makayla turn her head to look at him as she stepped in front of him, "What do you mean? There's no other option."

"We could go back to Tommy's. Just be.. done with this whole damn thing." His voice was demanding as if that was all he wanted to do and Makayla could feel her heart stop for a second.

She fought the tears that were once again trying to fight it's way to the surface. She couldn't tell him the truth..

"After all we've been through. I have to do this Joel. We made it. It can't be for nothing." She said positively but Joel remained serious.

She inhaled abruptly and stepped closer to him while he kept looking down at her with those eyes full of peace and care.

It was hurting her. Knowing he actually wants to be with her but they can't. This is where it ends.

She leaned against his chest with her forehead and his arms immediately wrapped around her body. He was worried and also confused.

Suddenly she looked up and it didn't take him long to understand, leaning down to connect their lips.

It was a slow and emotional kiss. Their mouths gently moved in sync and Joel's hand stroked Makayla's waist while her hands remained on his hard and muscular chest.

It felt just like a goodbye kiss does.

After a while their lips separated but their eyes stayed closer as if didn't want this moment to end.

"Let's finish it." Makayla whispered and walked past him with her head low and hands in the pockets of her pants.

KILL THE TRUTH | 𝐽𝑜𝑒𝑙 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑟 (This Story Is Going Through Corrections)Where stories live. Discover now