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Elsa's POV

My daughter saw me, after 5 years of darkness and lonliness, my daughter finally saw me. Yes she is 5 and might think that it was just a dream, but she saw me. She saw me!!! When she did, I felt my heart stoop and tears rise to my cheeks. If only Jack could see me. I miss him.

After I tucked Fenna in, I felt a guilt in my stomach. I hadn't been there for here. I couldn't help her with her first steps. I didn't teach her to talk. Yes I saw everything and I was proud, but I wasn't there. I should've tried harder to escape.

I was thinking this while I was on my way back to Fenna, however, I could see trails of black sand near her window. Her bedroom was deserted except for black sand staining everywhere. Pitch!!!!!!!

While I was running down the stairs, I saw nanny Flora knocked out and black sand around her. I quickened my pace and followed the black sand to see Pitch with his fangs bared and Fenna in his arms.

"Mama!!!!!" She screamed and tried to get out of Pitch's grip.

"Pitch! LET HER GO!" I screamed in anger and ice went everywhere, Fenna stared at me in awe and Pitch just laughed. I charged at him, but he pulled Fenna closer to him stroking her hair making me stop dead in my tracks.

"Obviously I'm entitled to say hello to my granddaughter." Pitch said smiling. I made an ice stake grow in my hand, but he saw.

"Oh Elsie, you don't want your daughter to gethurt do you? Takes you a minimum of 7.5 seconds to kill me, takes me 1 to kill her." Pitch laughed freezing me in my tracks. My eyes widened as I had to think.

Oh Jack, where are you?

Just as I thought that,  lots of different things came flying Pitch's way. Light, ice, water, fire and healers light.  I smiled.

My friends.

Jack's POV

Well today was an awful day. I nearly got staked when Hans showed up. The hunters thought I planned that and I had to get out of there. Fenna already lost Elsa because of Hans and my father, she is not going to have pain again.

I barely dodged the stake and Lupita and Punzle hissed at the hunters which didn't help, so we sped back home where I found black sand.

"FENNA!" I screamed in worry hoping she would reply, but I heard nothing, so I we searched every room for her until we got to the sound proof living room.

I slowly opened the door to see my dad talking to himself and having Fenna in his arms and fangs bared.

"Takes you a minimum of 7.5 seconds to kill me, takes me 1 to kill her." He cackled, I didn't know who he was talking to, but he is not hurting my daughter.

We all let power out of our bodies and scared my father. He took one look at us, then back at the wall.

"Trust me dear, this is only the beginning, she will not put me back in a prison." He screamed before dissapearing into the darkness. I saw Fenna crying and as I was about to run to her, she ran in the direction of the wall but stopped suddenly.

She put her arms out like she was hugging someone and said, "Mamma," in a small whisper.

"Fenna?" I spoke as to not scare her, she looked up and ran up to me.

"Papa," she said smiling. I bent down to her level and hugged her, but not too tight. I kissed her on her forehead and looked into her eyes, just like Elsa's. I smiled at her and built a little snowman with my staff. She made a snowflake appear in her hand and snow started to fall.

"You are just like your mother Fenna. She would be happy to have you as a daughter." I whispered to her. She laughed and nodded, "she is. She told me."

I frowned in confusion and shook my head, "Fenna, your mother is gone."

It was her turn to shake her head, "no, she's right there, she tried to rescue me."

She pointed at a wall where Pitch was talking to, but I saw nothing. Just an empty space, and it hurt, because for a split second, I swear I could've seen her face, but I blinked and it was gone.

"Fenna, go to your room." I told her not looking at her so she wouldn't see the pain on my face.

"But dad, I-"

"GO TO YOUR ROOM!!!!!!!!" I bellowed looking at her with red eyes. She gasped and stumbled back with fear in her eyes. Fear of me. I calmed down and took a step towards her, but she burst out crying and ran upstairs. I felt some wind pass me, but I ignored it and fell to the floor landing on my knees. And I did something I haven't done in 5 years.I cried.

Elsa's POV

I ran up the stairs for my daughter and found her on her bed crying with her head in her knees. I felt a pain in my chest and rushed to her side hugging her. Like a mother. I kept telling her that it would be okay and when she finally looked at me, I dried her tears.

"I feel so alone Mama." she spoke with tears in her eyes once again, "papa's never home, he's trying to stop a war, I can't have friends. The only friend I have is the moon."

"The moon?"

"The moon talks to me. To have faith, to believe."

I nodded and smiled at my daughter. I can see in her heart that she is a brilliant beautiful girl, who is destined for so much and will protect the ones she loves, "Fenna, promise me somthing." I said looking at her, "always believe in me. When you turn 18 you will stop ageing and so will your dad until you turn 318, but during that time, promise me











You'll always believe in me."

She nodded and I read her a story making her fall asleep. I tucked her in her bed and kissed her forehead, but before I left, I went to Jack.

He was drinking a lot of blood, I put my head down and sighed. I put a hand on his shoulder but it went through. I just want to feel his touch again, just want to feel his kiss, just want to feel his embrace.

I whispered something in his ear and left promising to return in the morning, and the words that I whispered to him simply were,

"Just because you don't believe, doesn't mean it's not there."


When the moon calls (sequel to Hunted)Where stories live. Discover now