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Elsa’s POV

It’s been one week since Hans took Fenna and four days since I heard Fenna in my head. I kept thinking the worst, but I always eventually remember my baby girl’s smile. Please be okay Fenna, please be okay.

“Elsa, she’ll be fine. I promise.”

“How!?!” I snapped holding my hair, “Jack you can’t promise something like that. If you can make a time machine and go forward, see she’s okay and come back, then I can trust your promise. But it’s 50 /50!!!!!!” I cried.

Jack pulled me into a hug, but I pulled out and ran wanting to hold my baby girl in my arms. Oh Fenna, oh Fenna. My baby.

I started to cry while Olaf snuck his way into my room. He jumped on the bed and nuzzled his nose next to me making me laugh.

“I miss her too bud. We’ll find her.” I said laying down and closing my eyes with Olaf right beside me. But my dreams were filled with nightmares.

The dream

“MUMMY!” I heard the scream in the back of my head, high pitched and desperate. I knew immediately that it was Fenna’s.

My  breath hitched and I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. It was dark I could hardly see anything, but I kept going to my daughter’s calls.

After a few moments, the screaming stopped and I froze. I started to think the worse. I started to breathe heavily and fell to my knees letting a tear drop from my cheek.

Fenna, I’m so sorry, Fenna my baby girl, I’m so sorry.

I heard footsteps coming from behind me and a cold hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Jack, I couldn’t see all the features of his face but I knew he was just as upset.

I jumped up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck crying into it. But I didn’t feel him return the comforting for both of us, his arms stayed lifeless by his side.

I only heard him mumble, “It’s…. y.o… fault.”

“What?” I said stepping away from him. I looked up at him and saw his eyes were red.

“It’s your fault.” He said once again, “IT’S YOUR FAUT!!!!!!” He screamed pushing me into a wall.

“What are you talking about?” I said sobbing.

He picked me up and pinned me to the wall bearing his fangs and hissing at me, £IF YOU NEVER WOULD’VE GOT BACK INTO MY LIFE, WE’D BE FINE!!!!!! EVERYTHING WAS GREAT UNTIL FENNA STARTED TO TALK TO YOU!!!!!!!! AND THE MOMENT I SEE YOU, FENNA IS TAKEN FROM US!!!! IT’S YOUR FAULY!!!” He screamed digging his nails into my shoulders.
I screamed and a little burst of ice occurred, but it did nothing, and I knew I could never hurt him.

I lowered my head as I began to talk, “I love my daughter, I wasn’t to protect her. You’re turning back into a dark vampire Jack. Please look at-“

“STOP!!!!!!! THIS IS ME!!!! DO YOU THINK I WOULD EVER CHANGE?!?!! I AM PRINCE OF VAMPIRES, WHY WOULD I GIVE THAT UP!?!?! Especially for a week lifer like you.”

My eyes widened and my breathing was heavy. A tear dropped from my cheek but Jack wiped it away,

“surely you would’ve seen this coming. I was playing you. And now it’s time for dinner.”

I gasped as I felt his fangs sink into my skin. It had been a long time since I had felt pain, so this was excruciating.

He began to suck my blood and I felt myself getting weaker. The pain was like having my heart ripped open and letting the blood bleed out of it.

When the moon calls (sequel to Hunted)Where stories live. Discover now