Manny's POV

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Manny's POV

Jack's plan is insane, stupid and complete suicide for him, but it just might work. The hunters think that he is the cause of Elsa's death, so they hate him as well as Fenna, but it might just work.

I took Jack to HH so he could talk with the hunters, but last time it didn't go so well, the hunters and Jack's friends almost attacked each other, but that is why we have Elsa, Punzle, Pocahontas and Hiccup with us. So they can help protect him.

"You ready Jack?" I asked as I was about to open the door to the meeting room. He put a finger up to tell me to wait and grabbed a bag of blood and drank it. As he finished, he nodded and I opened the doors.

It grabbed the attention of all the hunters and as they saw Jack, they rose from their seats and pulled out a stake ready to attack.

"EVERYBODY CALM IT!!" I yelled forcing everyone to sit back down in their places, "Jack needs our help, his-"

"Why should we help him?" A voice said. I wasn't sure who, but still responded.

"If I would be able to finish. Fenna was taken a few weeks ago. Jack has already lost a wife, so I do not expect him to accept the loss of a daughter as well. For our help, he will tell us the location of Vampire Mountain."

No one spoke after that, it was silent and I brought Jack next to me. The hunters were shifting in their seats but did nothing to harm Jack.


Jack stood up and sighed, "My daughter was ripped out of my arms, taken from me just like my wife was, but Fenna may still be alive. How would you like if someone you cared deeply was taken away from you, forever. Please, she's one of the only things I have left of Elsa." He begged.

I saw tears come out of his eyes and Elsa ran to him. This caught the attention of a few of the others.

"Is that Elsa?" Murmurs spread around and eventually, everyone saw Elsa. Their eyes wide with surprise.

A little girl, around 12, came up to the platform and came closer to Elsa, I think her name was Ellie.

"Elsa?" She asked wide eyed walking closer to Elsa holding out her arm to touch Elsa's dress. Her hand didn't go through and she hugged Elsa.

She bent down and hugged the girl making everyone gasp.

"It IS Elsa." People were whispering throughout the crowd.

Elsa eventually stood up and Jack put his arm around her shoulders and she began to talk, "my daughter has been taken and it hurts. I was forced to watch her grow up without me and now she has been taken from me. Please, she's my daughter."

It was silent for a few moments but everything erupted into shouts, I'm guessing that means yes!

We'll get Fenna back.

A/N I'm so sorry that I'm late with updates and it's short, but I am really busy, getting writer's block and school is killing me, it's like the days go quicker. Thanks for supporting my books and for all the follows and votes and comments.

Thank you


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