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Hans's POV

I can't believe that it was this easy. All I had to do wa shoot them once and take the girl. She could've stopped me, but she's weak, Pitch shot her with his power. I can't believe it didn't kill her. Strong one, just like 'er mother.

Anyway, I sped back to vampire muntain and presented her to Pitch. I no longer call him king since he made prince after he disowned his son.

I laied her down by his feet and waited further instructions. He only looked at her unconcious form and stayed still, so I told him.

"Pitch, she's a power. I saw it." I said.

I was immidiently pinned to the wall with his hand holding my neck, squeezing it so I was hardly breathing.

"Don't mess with me boy!! Power's are extinct!" He said in a meanacing tone.

I frowned and was about to get bitey when he let go of my neck and threw me to the floor. I growled but did nothing. He was the king.

"Take her to the dungeon, I don't want to see her face."

I nodded and carried her to the dungeon. I heard a little cough and blood came out of her mouth.. I had to restrain myself from killing her, so I thught of something else, anything else, but my thoughts kept going back the the girl's blood.

Eventually, I reached the dungeon and put her in there. I was about to leave, but turned off the ligth first. As I passed through the door of the cell, I heard a small voice.

"Please turn the light on." It said.

I smirked, "why chould I? You don't haave a right to ask since your nothing but a half breed. Half hunter and half vampire traitor." I laughed and turned to leave once more, but then, she spoke again.

"Please. I.... I don't like the dark. I..... I.... I just want y mummy and daddy." She whispered.

I tried to carry on walking, but I couldn't, my feet carried me to the light switch and I turned it on.

Without hesiation, I sped out the room not wanting to hear her voice in the back of my head anymore.

Pitch's POV

I was thinking. Par of me was saying kill her, another part saying use her. These are too very hard choices. Vampires might think that I've gone soft if I don't kill her, but I'll be able to use her against her family.

However, on the oher hand, if I do kill Fenna, I will keep my reputation, but lose my one chance of hurting Jack and Elsa. Agian.

Decision, decisions, oh what to do? Then I thought-

"HANS!" I shouted and withi seconds, he was infront of me, his eyes in a frown.

"Yes Pitch?"

"I have to make a decision. One that could help the vampire race, or harm it. Do I kill the girl, or use her against them?" I said staring at him.

His face twitched and his eyes looked like he was in pain, but I don't give a damn, I need an answer NOW!

"Well?" I said getting impatient.

"Pitch, I know your heart is black as night and your soul has been corrupted, but are you really ready to kill one of your own flesh and blood?" Hans answered with a question.

I forced my mouth shut and concealed my annoyance and anger. But I did think about it. Dojan was apart f me, however, so is my father, whoever he is. I have to make the decision, not my father, not Dojan, not Hans.


"I've decided.




















A/N Sorry, cliffhanger, but I coudn't help it, type in what you think I should do, but honestly, I might not do what you want. Thanks so much for reading and supporting me and thanks so much for 102 followers, I never imagained that I would get this far. Thanks so much.


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