Fenna and Pitch

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Fenna's POV

I was shouting for mummy and daddy because grandpa was taking me. I kept trying to get out of his grip, but he wouldn't let me go. He flew out of my window and was kidnapping me. I wanted my mummy, I wanted my daddy.

I kept hitting at grandad but he wouldn't let me go, so I had no choice, I used ice and hit him with it. We were both falling, but grabdad got back to normal and caught me.

"Don't ever do that again unless you wanna die!" He shouted at me making me cry.

"I want mummy, I want daddy." I said sobbing.

Grandad just growled and stopped onto of a really tall building. His eyes flashed red and he looked at me angrily. The next thing he did wasbiting into my wrists. I yelped in pain and let a few tears escape my eyes.

He started to suck my blood,,I waslosing feeling in my arm and got sleepy, "Please grandad, it hurts." I said wikpering and to my surprise, he stopped sucking my blood and put a hand on my wrists healing them.

Pitch's POV

I stopped sucking her blood and looked at her. Normally I would drink my victims dry if they asked me to stopped, but the fear in her eyes didn't make me happy. That is the first time anyone has been able to do that. Maybe because she remonds me of Annie.

I may be a cold, heartless killer, but Annie stole my heart. In other words, made me weak. Maybe I can use Fenna, just like I used Annie to continue the war.

But for that to happen, I have to pretend to be............ Nice. The very word sickens me, but if I want to hurt my son because of his betrayal, then I have to get to his daughter.

"Why are you mean grandad? Daddy is a vampire, but he is nice."

I took a deep breath and turned to my grandaughter. She looked upset, but I wasn't going to fall for her goodness. She's only a half breed. A filthy half breed. Nothing more, nothing less.

"I am filled with darkness Fenna. So was your father. I remember when he would slaughter new borns without a second thought, but then he met your mother. I ordered him to kill her, but she turned out to be an ice keeper, he wanted to protect her, and fell in love..." I said trailing off remembering the day she took my son away from me.

She sighed, "darkness doesn't always win grandad, everyone has had love once in their life. No one is truely evil if the can still feel."

I looked at Fenna as she looked to the floor. How had she known things like that? She's only 8? But yes I truely am evil. My heart is dark, it is midnight black, no light will ever enter my heart, no memory ever holding any light emotion.

"I am darkness Fenna," I said in a dark voice hoping to intimidate her, "I am the monster under the bed, the shadow in the corner. I am the king of vampires, and true darkness. Never loved, never will."

My grandaughter looked up at me with tears in her eyes, "so you never loved daddy, even when you were human? What about Annie?"

I glared at her and held her neck, I don't care if she was 8, I wouldn't hesitate to snap it if she gave me an answer I did not oike, "how do you know about her?!?" I frowned at her.

"I can see in your head. I can see in you heart. Look." She used light rays from the moon, touched my head and used the light to show me.

The flashback sorta


I was walking along the market place over 300 years ago. I was buying fruit when I knoced into a woman. I was angry, but when I saw her, I felt my heart skip a beat. She was beautiful. Raven black hair, ocean blue eyes and pale skin.

I stared into her eyes as she looked at me doing the same. I pulled myself back to reality and quickly picked up the woman's belongings. I slipped and heard her giggle.

I stood up and passed her, her stuff, "I'm so sorry ma'm." I said.

"It is okay good sir." Her voice was angelic and I felt that I could listen to it all day. She beagn to leave, but I noticed that she was was struggling.

"Ma'm let me help you." I spoke rushing over to her side, she tried to protest, but me being the gentelman I am got her stuff and walked her home, "I am Pitch by the way." I said.

"Annie." She responded with a smile.

"That's a beautiful name." I complimented and I swear I saw a tiny blush on her face. I smiled at her and she looked at me.

"Why are you staring at me?" She said smiling at me, she wasn't creeped out though.

"Because you're beautiful.".

She thanked me and we reached her house, "Thank you sir Pitch. Until we meet again."

I kissed her hand, "until we meet again."


"H... How...... How did you do that?" I asked in complete and utter shock. She looked at me, but she didn't have fear in her eyes anymore, only pity. Pity for me. She was looking in my mind, looking in my heart.

"You've been hurt grandad. But that doesn't mean you have to hurt others." She said. It was like she had been on this planet for hundereds of years.

I felt something weird in my chest. I didn't want to feel this, but she kept talking, "you may be consumed with hate, but there will always be light in you."

"Stop it!" I said sternly, but she kept talking.

"You let darkness take over, but you alow memories to remind you of what you once were. You try and crush the light, she try to plauge it with darkness, but it can never go."

"STOP IT!" I shouted. releasing some dark magic. But I hit her, I hit Fenna.

She gulped and had tears in her eyes, "light always wins........... love conquers hate........... remember what you once were....." said softly before falling unconcious. Her viens started to turn black, but she was still breathing. Just like Elsa.

Just like Elsa! That stupid woman always interfearing!

That was when I heard the desperate call of a mother, "Fenna!"


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