Taking her

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Elsa's POV

I was with Fenna. She was 8 now, I saw her talking to the moon. In ancient prophercies, the light keeper cast his soul into the moon to protect his kind who lived in the darkness. She felt she was lost, she felt she was alone, but I'm here, I'll always be here.

"I know he will. Please make daddy happy again." Fenna finished up before sobbing in my arms, "Mama." She spoke.

I stroked her hair and  held my arms protectivly around her. I'm glad I've been able to do this for my daughter, she didn't even know I existed for 5 years.

"It's okay hunny, go to bed, I'll be there soon." I said kissing the top of her head.

She smiled at me then walked upstairs to her bedroom. I sighed. My daughter is only 8, but she's been through more pain than I ever was. I'm just glad she believes in me. I'm just glad she knows me. I saw Jack in a coner and walked over to him placing a hand on his shoulder. It stayed for a few seconds, but then went through his shoulder.

Soon, I heard a laugh that tormented my soul. I knew exactly who it was, Pitch!

"Oh dear, still trying to get people to see you?" He asked rhetorically. I frowned and let ice grow in my hands.

"My daughter sees me. tHat is enough, and sooner or later, Jack will see me again." I spat, but Pitch just laughed again.

"it'll never last. Plus the darkness is making it harder for him." I gulped and turned my attention back to Jack, he was looking around confused, Pitch took the advantage and shot me with a black arrow.

"For me to what?" Jack asked unaware of the situation.

 "Your daughter tries to tell you but you refuse to listen.
The bond of light you hold will weaken.
You don't listen, you don't see,
Where your true love may be.
The darkness blinds you since you lost her,
And if you can't see, the world will be full of darkness and fire."

When he finished, he shot Jack with sand and ran ustairs. I heard Fenna scream or me and Jack, but I could hardly move. She screamed for us again, but I had to wake Jack up, I knew he couldn't see me, but I can't take Pitch on alone.

I tried to shake him, but he was drifting of to sleep.

"Jack! Wake up!" I shouted, "Please Jack! YOU DON'T HAVE TO BELIEVE IN ME, BUT FENNA NEEDS US!"

But still, he was losing conciousness, I would have to get her myself. But before I could, I was pulled into a white vortex.

"FENNA!" I shouted, but then everything went white.

 Jack's POV

"Please Jack! YOU DON'T HAVE TO BELIEVE IN ME, BUT FENNA NEEDS US!" I heard a voice shout, but I could do nothing, my father hit me with black sand. I was drifting into sleep though I kept hearing y daughter's screams.

The Dream


I was waling in darkness, I could see nothing, smell nothing and hear nothing, but I kept walking. Soon, I heard a piercing scream and knew instantly that it was Fenna's.

I used my super speed to try and reach my precious child, but wherever I went, the voice got smaller and smaller untl all I could her was a tiny shriek, "daddy........" Then nothing.

I froze and fell to the floor with tears in my aarms, she was gone wasn't she? My daughter, the only thing I had left of Elsa. My beautiful little girl. I sobbed calling her name. I sobbed calling Elsa's. Myy father had taken my daughter away from me, hurt another one of my family.

Suddenly, a bright light flahed, and I heard a deep voice and a pair of arms around me, "Jack, what do you think?" 

"My daughter is dead, so is my wife, my father is a dark vampire who wants to make my life misserable and I have lost everyone I care for.

"She's not dead Jack." Spoke a soft voice I only remembered in dreams and memories. I looked up and ssaw her. Elsa!

I jumped at her and wrapped my arms aroound her happy to have her with me again. I looked at her face and crashed my lips onto hers. I needed to feel her love again. I needed to know she was here. I pulled away and put my forehead on hers.

"Elsa, Fenna's gone, dad took her." I told her with tears in my eyes, "I tried to protect her........ I tried to keep her safe...... I failed... I'm sorry... I'.... I'm"

Elsa didn't let me finish and pulled me in for another hug, "Jack, she's not dead. This is a dream." She said. I felt happy, but then realised something.

"Wait, so this is just a dream, you're not real?"

She shook her head and let the light tae over, "No Jack, she's real, she's always been, you just haven't seen, believe Jack, or my brother will take over again. He will drain all morals of blood and make slaves."

I nodded, "what about my daughter.?" I asked afraid. Elsa wore the same wrried expression that I had.

"You must go after her. You'll see, but protect her. She is needed, she will be vital in saving the universe. Strength isn't always the answer. Remember Jack, believe."

With that, the scene started to get blurry.


I woke up with a gasp and felt a wetness on my face and lipstick on my lips, I remembered Fenna, but the lipstick? Then I saw her, lying on the floor next to me, Elsa.

She woke up and saw me looking at her, she hung her head with tears in her eyes. I walked to her and held her in my arms. She let out a small gasp and wrapped her arms around me crying into my shoulder.

"I missedyou." I said.

"Me too," She said between the sniffles.

"What? How? I-"

"No time for questiions, Fenna!" She said jumping up and running upstairs with me super speeding. I knew Elsa wa sback and when, not if, when we get Fenna back, I will never let anyone take my family apart ever agan.

Even if the great light keeper himself decided it, I would put up a fight, but first murder my mother f**king dad.

A/N Hi guys, sorry for the wait but I have two other stories to do, but I am really happy that you are reading and supporting my books and thanks for over 10k on hnted and over 80 followers, it means a lot to me. Thank you.


When the moon calls (sequel to Hunted)Where stories live. Discover now