chapter 3

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⚠️dysphoria ⚠️
⚠️transphobia ⚠️

(I'm going to try to add more of the charcters in sorry that I've only really mentioned Peter, Steve, Tony and Nat)

(Skip to dinner nearly being ready)

Peters POV

I decided that I would tell Pops along with everyone else at dinner. I was quite nervous about him finding out because he was born when it was considered wrong. At the same time he was supportive when I came out as bisexual and he's littraly gay himself so why wouldn't he be supportive.

There was a knock at my door

"Hey Pete we are just waiting for the chicken to cook can you help wash up please."

"Sure coming one sec,"

(In kitchen Steve is at the shops the others are just chilling they aren't important at the moment)

I accidentally dropped the spoon into the bowl splashing bubbles into Dads face

"Oops sorry Dad," I said trying not to laugh at the bubble moustache.
While I was laughing he grabbed some bubbles from the bowl.

"Watch out incoming,"

I tried to duck but he still managed to hit me.Laughing, I reached over to grab a towel. Without realising my sleeve rode up my arm. He gasped and I instantly realised what had happened. I tugged my sleeve down trying to pretend nothing had happened.

"Hey kid...,"
But before he could finish his sentence I wiped the bubbles off my face, ran to my room and slammed my door.

Tony's POV

I stood there in shock. I wasn't quite sure what just happened. Nat walked in coffee cup in hand but then she just stopped and stared at me.

"Are you alright Tony you look like you've seen a ghost? And where's Peter aren't you too ment to be washing up the dishes together?"

"I'm a terrible father. He's hurting so bad and I didn't notice. We were washing up and his sleeve rolled up. His arms were covered in scars."
I leaned against the counter
"I don't know what to do he needs my help and I don't know how to be there for him."

(Going to Peters pov because I spent 20 minutes trying to work out what to write next and I give up)

Peter's POV

Shit shit shit shit.
I went into the bathroom grabbed a blade and sat on the floor. I didn't even cut i just sat there sobbing silently. I looked in the mirror. I hated everything about me. Why did I have to be born female, why did I decide to start cutting, why did I still have stupid longish hair.
It was only up to my shoulders but it annoyed me so much it made me look so girly. Without thinking I grabbed some scissors and started chopping bits of my hair

(It legit took me a good minute trying to work out how to spell scissors)

I kept cutting it off until i had short hair that actually looked pretty decent. I smiled. I finally kind of recognised the person in the mirror. I sat back on the floor. Shit Dad still was in the kitchen. I looked at the part of my arm which he saw. Shit of course that was the bit with the most cuts on. There was no way I was getting out of this.

I decided to go sit on my bed and wait for him to inevitably come talk to me. Then of course Pops comes home. I'm screwed. He's going to be so pissed at me. I already regretted chopping off my hair. I heard footsteps coming nearer my door and I braced myself for the shouting to begin.

My Name Is Peter - Trans Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now