Chapter 8

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Peter's POV

It had been a few days now after my attempt. I was still in the med bay but I was doing much better physically. Mentally I wasn't sure. 

I was exhausted to be honest. These last few days I've been pretending to be so much better. I know I should be honest but I don't want to cause any more pain to anyone or be any more of a burden.

(If any of you are struggling I promise you you are not a burden it's so much better to talk to people)

I was so glad to have Nat there she treated me normally. She didn't completely ignore the fact that I attempted but she treated me normally unlike the others who seemed to be walking on eggshells around me.

I finished eating my sandwich and put it down next to me. Dad then walked in looking a bit concerned and stressed.

"Everything alright Dad?"

"Yeah its just we need to tell your Pops about what's happened."

I started panicking a bit I tried to hide it but I didn't do a very good job.

"B-but Dad he d-disowned me h-he kicked me out he d-doesnt want anything to do with m-me."

"Your his son he has a right to know," dad patted me on the knee

I moved away from him

"Dad please no I don't want him to know its just another reason for him to hate me." Tears started forming in my eyes but I rubbed them away

"He needs to know Peter I know its hard but he needs to know,"

"Please don't Dad please," I whispered

Steve's POV

I put down my knife and fork. That was a pretty good steak if you ask me. My phone started ringing. Tony. I sighed what did he want now.

"Hello, what do you want,"

"Hello Steve this is important and I thought you should know seeing as it is your son,"


"no Steve your son now shut the fuck up and listen. Your SON tried to commit suicide a few days ago partly because of what YOU did so you better fucking accept him because he almost died thanks to you. So either get your act together and come back here tomorrow or you stay out of our lives and we stay out of yours. You got it,"

He hung up.

I sat there in shock. Why. Was it really my fault. Maybe Tony was just saying stuff to make me feel guilty.

(there hopefully should be another chapter tomorrow. This chapter is so crap and short but I'm ill and my mental health is shit so I'm allowed a shit chapter. Next chapter will be better)

552 words

(Told you it was crap)

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