Chapter 11

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(I went to bed at 11.00pm and I woke up at 3.00am currently 4.28am haven't managed to go back to sleep. I hate being ill)

(At the compound)

Peter's POV

We walked into the compound I knew everyone would ask about my face so I was slightly nervous and Fury was coming tonight so that didn't help.

"Hey Peter how was sch....," Dad asked trailing off at the end.

"What happened to your face Peter?" Asked Clint

I just stood there looking a bit dumb I wasn't really sure how to explain this.

Wanda walked in and just stopped and stared at me.

"Peter," said Dad raising his voice a little," Who did this to you,"

"Just a kid in my year his names Eugene but everyone calls him Flash,"

Wanda walked over and just hugged me.

"It isn't that big of deal,"

"Some kid has beaten up my son. Yes it's a big deal. We will go to the school tomorrow and get everything sorted,"

Shit thats the last thing I needed.

(Time skip Fury about to arrive)

(Also I eventually fell asleep again at 5.30 and woke up at 8.30 so at least i got about 8 hours sleep altogether)

Tony's POV

I checked my watch. 10 minutes until he arrived. Everyone was ready and looked averagely smart.

I don't know why I was so worried. He accepted me marrying Steve and everything surely he would accept Peter. But the again Steve is gay himself and didn't so who knows.

I started pacing up and down the room trying to remain calm I didn't want to have a panic attack just before Fury arrived.

"Hey Tony. It's going to be fine come sit next to me and watch this show thingy with me it's will distract you," said Nat without looking away from the TV

"I'm not panicking," I answered defensively.

"First, I can see you pacing in the reflection of the TV. Second, you keep checking your watch nearly every minute. Third your breathing is shakey and faster then normal."

"Fine I'm panicking slightly but I'm fine,"

"Your not now sit it will help distract you,"

(Just had a nose bleed so much fun)

Peter's POV

I looked in the mirror my hair was fine not to messy. My binder was working great. Just breathe everything will be fine.

I sat down on my bed and started breathing in and out slowly. The last thing I needed before Fury arrived was a panic attack. Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out.

I checked my watch. 5 more minutes until Nick Fury arrives.

Wanda's POV

I sat next to Nat on the sofa watching some TV programme. Tony was next to her panicking a bit but trying to distract himself by the TV which wasn't working that well.

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