Chapter 6

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⚠️suicide ⚠️

To Dad,

I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore. I ruined everything. I hurt you. I hurt Pops. I'm just a burden. It might hurt but your get through it and your realise that life is so much easier without me. I'm sorry I ruined your relationship with Pops I never ment for any of this to happen. I hope you can be happy now.

Love Peter

To Pops,

I'm sorry. I never ment to hurt you. I never ment to hurt anyone. At least your be happier without me. I know you didn't really love me but I loved you.

Love Peter

To Nat,

You were always so kind to me and I'll never understand why. I was a pain and annoying you didn't deserve to have to deal with me crying and everything. Can you make sure I'm not deadnamed at the funeral please. I love you and thank you for everything.

Love Peter

(He wrote letters to everyone not just these 3)

I put down my pen. I flicked through to make sure I hadn't missed anyone. Then there was a knock at the door. I jumped.

"Hey Peter, can I come in. Do you want to talk,"

It was Nat. Shit what do I do.

"Umm I'm ok but thanks. I just want to be left alone right now."

"Ok well I you need me I'm just in the living room,"

I waited until I knew she was gone and then I went into the bathroom. I left my notebook opened onto the page with Dads note. I grabbed my blades and started slicing. First my arms and then my thighs. I went back to my wrists again. I cut a bit deeper. The pain was excruciating. I paused debating whether this was the right thing to do. Then I remembered how hurt Dad looked.

I saw some pills on the side without even looking at them I swallowed all of them and chugged it down with water.

I started feeling really faint because of the amount of blood I had lost. The floor was stained red but it didn't matter not like I would need to use this bathroom again. I suddenly felt extremely sick. I threw up into the toilet. And then I went to stand up and I collapsed. This was it now everyone could finally be happy. I closed my eyes.

Nat's POV

I knew he wasn't alright but I didn't want to be annoying I thought it was better to leave him be and then I would check up on him in a few minutes.

I heard what sounded like throwing up coming from his room. I stood up and started walking towards his room. Then there was a loud thud. I ran there as fast as I could.

I tried to open the door but I was locked. I took a few steps back and then with all my body weight I slammed into the door opening it.

There was Peter lying on the floor covered in cuts. The floor was covered in his blood and there was an empty pill bottle next to him.

I screamed and grabbed some toilet paper. He can't die no I won't let him. He was still breathing but hardly. I applied pressure to his worse cuts still shaking. I can't believe this is happening.

Tony's POV

I lay on my bed alcohol beside me unopened I couldn't bring myself to drink it. There was a scream it sounded like Nat. I sat up shit it was coming from Peters room. I ran in their and just gasped Peter was lying on the floor covered in blood. Nat was leaning over him trying her best to keep him alive.

No no no no no. This can't be happening. Not Peter no.
"BRUCE HELP," I screamed.

I went to help Nat. No not Peter not my boy no he cant die. I sobbed over him I couldn't let him die. Not my boy.

(Just when it gets intresting I time skip I know so talented but hey i posted 4 chapters in one day so I think that's a fair deal)

I paced back and forth outside the medbay. My eyes were all red and puffy from where I'd been crying. We found his notebook that he had put on his bed. I kept re-reading the note he left for me. He wasn't a burden. I loved him so much. He ment the world to me. I started tearing up again. I flicked through to see if there were more notes.

There was one for every member of the team. I nudged Nat
"There's one for you if you want to read it," I passed the notebook to her.

(End of chapter also I wrote all of these 3 chapters that you just read on 3 hours sleep while having stomach cramps so I ain't editing them at the moment. Im just posting them and I'll edit them another day so there are probably a shit ton of errors)

854 words

My Name Is Peter - Trans Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now