Chapter 12

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(I'm not really sure how to continue that so everyone was accepting obviously they had a fun time at sleepover now it's the weekend)

Peter's POV

It was 1am. Its been over a month. I'm not sure what made me think of it or why I suddenly started thinking about it but I missed home. Sure the compound was nice and it was nice to be surrounded by supportive people but I missed the comfort of my own home. My room. The buildings around it. Even the AI. I just wanted to go home.

The tears trickled down my face slowly. I squeezed my eyes shut trying to stop them. I heard a noise. I covered my mouth. I didn't want anyone worrying over me being a little homesick. I waited holding my breath listening carefully. It has been a few minutes i think it was safe. I let out a sigh of relief.

(I'm so sorry I haven't updated earlier this week I have coeliac disease so I'm allergic to gluten when I eat it my immune system starts attacking itself and it damages my gut as well as some not so nice side effects. I accidentally had some so I've been in a lot of pain and I've been feeling really tired/lethargic so I'm really sorry)

⚠️TW Self harm, suicide⚠️

(Can't remember how long he's been here or when his other attempt was and I'm too lazy to look back. Im such a great writer /s)

I got up slowly and went to the bathroom. I sat on the floor and cried hugging my knees to my chest. I pulled out my blade. I twirled it in my hand debating whether I should do this or not.

I'm nearly over a month clean and I couldn't do it to them not again but the feeling was so comforting the urge to do it was so strong.

I sighed and stared at wall. I still remembered that night like it was yesterday. Staring at the wall. Blood dripping down my wrists. Pills next to me. The dizziness. Everything.

I went back to my room to grab my headphones and headed back to the bathroom. I don't know why but the bathroom floor was just comforting. I plugged in my headphones and played some music. At least it took my mind off everything. I put the blade away.

At least I hadn't done anything this time.


Steve's POV

I looked at my watch. I definitely should be asleep by now. I had a busy day tomorrow.

I couldn't stop thinking about Tony and my child. I missed them. I don't know why I started thinking about it but I longed for them to be here. Tony asleep next to me. Not that he slept much. Maybe I should of listened to them and researched a bit on this whole transgender thingy.

I got my laptop from the side of my bed and started searching up some things.

What does transgender mean?

What should I do if my child come out as transgender?

Is being transgender wrong?

Why is my child transgender?

Transgender medical studies

And more. That was actually quite intresting. Maybe Tony wasn't completely wrong about her wait no him. Maybe. Anyway I needed to sleep and that can help me think on this anyway. I'll visit them not tomorrow but the day after. Have a chat see what they say.

Maybe just maybe Tony's right.

(Next day)

Peter's POV

I had a maths test today. I had studied for it but I was still a bit nervous. I got changed, had some breakfast and then Nat drove me to school. It was quite quiet in the car I couldn't think of anything to say so I ended up texting MJ and Ned instead.

We pulled up outside the school I thanked Nat and then met MJ and Ned in our usual spot.

The day was going okay the maths test wasn't too difficult luckily. Then I had Science which was quite boring just answering questions out of a textbook at least it was quite easy.

Then break.

I couldn't find Ned or MJ and I was hungry so I went to the caf to get some food.

Big mistake.

"Whatcha think your doing there Paige,"

I turned around of course it was Flash.

"What do you want Eugene?" I said sighing.

"What did you just call me, you fucking tranny," he shoved me a bit but I stood there unfazed.

"I didn't call you anything now leave me alone," I turned back around and carried on queueing.

He grabbed my shirt and pulled it sharply flinging me back onto the floor. He stepped over me while everyone just stared and pointed at me laughing.

I got up carefully and brushed down my clothes that floor really was quite disgusting.

I grabbed a sandwich and a drink and left the caf as quickly as possible. I spotted Ned and MJ walking towards our tree and quickly joined them.

The rest of the day just kept getting worse and worse. Flash stole me P.E kit so I had to wear the disgusting spare kit. I swear they never washed them. He tripped me up multiple times. And just kept yelling slurs at me.

I was so glad when the end of the day came around. Nat came to pick me up. Luckily she didn't ask about my day because she would know if I lied. I texted Ned and MJ and didn't sat a word the entire journey. I felt guilty for not saying anything to her but she was too good at telling when there was something wrong so it was just easier to stay quiet.

When we got home I said something about having to study for a science test and headed straight to my room. I closed the door and let out a sigh of relief. I could breathe again. It felt like a weight had been lifted slightly. I liked being by myself.

(I'm sorry about how long this took to come out I was going to write it last week but I forgot. Also this is really short sorry I think there will be 2 or 3 more chapters after this)

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My Name Is Peter - Trans Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now