Chapter 9

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Nat's POV

I couldn't sleep. I had been tossing and turning for hours. I give up I swung my legs out of bed and headed to the kitchen. I got a glass of water and then decided to check on Peter.

I looked into the medbay. He was lying there drenched in sweat, shaking. I  put my drink down and swung open the door.

"Peter. Peter its alright I'm here. Peter," I said shaking him gently trying to wake him up

(Peter's POV)

It was happening again. My wrists burned in pain. The pills next to me. The sick in my mouth. The footsteps running nearer and nearer.

I jolted awake to Nat saying my name trying to wake me up.

I was shaking and drenched in sweat. I could barely breathe.

Nat looked at me and then just hugged me tightly.

"Nightmare... flashbacks,"

I tried to tell her but I was still struggling to breathe.

She sat next to me on the bed squeezing my hand to comfort me.

"Hey Peter breathe it's ok your safe now. In through your nose and out through your mouth," she demonstrated and I did my best to copy.

I slowly calmed down enough. To talk to her.

"I had a n-nightmare. I was sat on the floor. My wrists were bleeding. There were footsteps running. Getting nearer and nearer. There will pills next to me. It felt so... so real,

Nat's POV

I knew flashbacks might happen to Peter after the incident but it was the most painful thing in my life to watch him suffer like that. He was the sweetest boy I knew. He always looked out for everyone. He didn't deserve this. Seeing him in so much pain it killed me.

He hugged me and just sobbed into me shaking slightly.

"Did Dad call Pops and tell him?"

"He did but its going to be ok don't worry about it. We will protect you and we won't let any harm come to you. I promise," I whispered while stroking his hair.

He eventually stopped shaking and drifted off to sleep.

I carefully moved out of the bed making sure not to wake him and sat in the chair next to the bed just incase he had another nightmare.

Tony's POV

I woke up and went to the med bay to check on Peter. I had no idea whether Steve was coming or not but I thought it was better to prepare him for either outcome.

I waked in to Nat asleep curled up in a ball on a chair and Peter asleep on his bed.

I smiled and wiped the tear falling down my cheek.

I went to the kitchen and started making pancakes.

Stephen walked in and laughed.

"Tony your ment to flip the pancakes thats why the top isn't cooking," he blurted out between laughs

"Oops," Laughing, I scraped out the failed pancake.

"Let me help you,"

We made 3 normal pancakes and then we started experimenting.

"Look Stephen look," I pointed at my snowman pancake.

"That's so cool you should decorate it with fruit after to add a smiley face,"

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"That's so cool you should decorate it with fruit after to add a smiley face,"

"We are good at this. We should become professional pancake makers," I joked.

We finished making the pancakes and wrapped the plate in tin foil to keep then warm.

We put it on the table so when the others woke up they could help themselves.

Peter walked in and sat next to me. He tried to grab a pancake but I stopped him.

"I have a special pancake for you just hold on one moment,"

I went to the kitchen and got my snowman pancake all decorated nicely.

(I'm not going to put any more pictures but I just wanted to make sure people knew what type of pancakes I ment)

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(I'm not going to put any more pictures but I just wanted to make sure people knew what type of pancakes I ment)

He smiled at me.
"Thanks Dad this looks so cool,"

Nat's POV

I walked into the dining room.

"Nat. Nat look Dad made me a snowman pancake,"

I smiled "that looks so cool but there's no way your Dad made that he can barely cook pasta,"

Tony gasped "excuse me I'll have you know that I made most of these pancakes myself including that one,"

(Skip to after breakfast and they have all gotten changed out of their PJs)

Tony's POV

"Hey Peter can I talk to you a minute," I patted the seat next to me on the sofa.

"Yeah sure,"

He say down next to me and smiled but I could tell he was panicking slightly.

"I did call your Pops last night. I don't know if he's coming or not today but I just wanted to let you know."

He nodded

"Also your able to go back to school tomorrow if you are ready,"

He nodded again "I'll go to school tomorrow."

"Ok," I patted his knee and he stood up and went to go to the dining room," Hey Pete," he looked back," I love you."

"Love you too Dad,"

(Ok thats it for now sorry abput not updating in a while. Hopefully should be able to update more as I'm about to start Christmas holidays so I won't be at school.)

Quick vote comment which one you want

Peter has happy ending

Peter had sad ending

(I don't mind which you choose I've got ideas for both of them)

890 words

My Name Is Peter - Trans Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now