Chapter 7

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Peter's POV

(Writing this while listening to really sad music not sure if its the best idea I've ever had)

I opened my eyes slowly; squinting at the bright light. Was this it? was this how it ended? Did I succeed?

I heard a door close. I rubbed my eyes and tried to sit up.

"He's awake," said Bruce's muffled voice

I sighed. I was slightly thankful to be alive but now I had to deal with everyone and I wasn't sure how they would react. Why did I do this. My eyes went blurry and tears trickled down my face.

The door swung open and Dad walked in.

"Hey kid can I sit,"

I nodded and budged up a bit so he could sit next to me but I faced the other way I couldn't bare to look at him.

"I'm not mad at you kiddo it's ok and you know I'll always love you. This wasn't your fault,"

I turned around and just hugged him. I buried my face into his shoulder and just sobbed.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry. I love you so much I'm so sorry," i said shakily

He squeezed me tight.

"It's ok Peter. I love you. You don't need to apologise this wasn't your fault. I've got you,"

I lifted my head slightly, I've got tears all over your t-shirt," I laughed shakily still crying.

"That's ok kiddo," he laughed crying now too.

"I love you so much Dad,"

"I love you so much too kiddo,"

Nat's POV

I looked through the door to make sure they were both ok. They were sat on Peters bed both crying and just hugging each over for dear life. A tear started forming but I rubbed it away quickly before anyone saw. I know its ok to cry and it had been a traumatic experience for everyone but I didn'tlike to cry infront of people.

They laughed slightly and I smiled so glad that he was ok. Clint stood next to me and put his arm around me. I let him comfort me. As a tear fell down my face. I didn't like crying it made me feel weak and he knew this.

"Hey you wanna go into a different room," he whispered gently into my ear

I nodded. I felt like a little kid again. Crying. Not using words.

He lead me to the room next door and he knew I just needed to be left alone.

"I'll check up on you in about 5 minutes if that's ok,"

'Yeah ok," I nodded and waited until he'd left and the door closed. I sat there and just stared at the room thinking about everything that had happened; trying to process it all.

I got up and just punched the wall. I made a dent but oh well. It made me feel a little better.

Clint's POV

I've never seen Nat like that she never cries. This whole thing must if shaken her up quite a bit. I checked my watch. She'd been in there about 5 minutes I should probably check on her.

I went to stand back up but then she walked out. You couldn't even tell she had been crying.

She nodded at me to show that she was alright and then sat back down.

(Can't think of anything else so just going to publish sorry its so short)

569 words

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