Chapter 1

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August 1st 1992
Harry's PoV
When Harry came inside after one on one quidditch practice with Millie, Remus was starting to cook dinner and Sirius had not yet come home from work. Harry went upstairs to take a shower. When he was finished he got dressed and went into his room, intending to start reading the new Defensive Magic book Remus and Sirius had gotten him for his birthday. But plans changed when Harry saw a creature jumping on his bed.

"Hello, Harry Potter, sir!" the creature greeted him excitedly.

"Who are you?" Harry asked.

"My name is Dobby, sir. Dobby the house elf." the creature answered.
Harry had heard of house elves before, because Sirius had told stories about the one he had growing up. But Harry had never seen one in person.
"Nice to meet you Dobby," Harry said suspiciously, "why are you here?"
"Dobby has come to warn you, Harry Potter sir, that Harry Potter must not go back to Hogwarts this year!" Dobby explained frantically.
"And why not?" Harry asked.
"Oh, there is a terrible plot! Harry Potter will be in grave danger!" Dobby replied.
"What's going to happen? Who's plotting it?" Harry asked.
"Dobby has already said too much! Dobby cannot say any more." Dobby said as he picked up the lamp on Harry's desk. Dobby began to hit himself in the head with the base of the lamp, repeatedly. "Why are you hitting yourself Dobby?" Harry asked.
"Dobby almost spoke ill of his master. If Dobby's master ever knew I was here, Dobby would surely suffer." Dobby explained.

"But I have to go back to Hogwarts. All my friends are there, and all the professors know me, and will protect me." Harry claimed.

"Please, heed my warning Harry Potter, sir. Please stay home and don't go back to Hogwarts!" Dobby pleaded, and then he vanished.

A few days later, Harry and his family took the floo network to Diagon alley to purchase new school supplies.
"Don't forget, you said you were going to show me my vault this time." Harry reminded his uncles.
The Potter vault at Gringotts had remained untouched since James and Lily's deaths, as Remus and Sirius decided to leave the money for when Harry was an adult. But they figured he should know how to access it, should he ever need to.
So they went to Gringotts first. "Next!" one of the goblins shouted. "Hello!" Harry said "I'm Harry Potter, and I would like to see my vault."
"And do you have your key, Mr Harry Potter?" the goblin asked somewhat grouchily.
Remus pulled the key out of his pocket. "Right here." He said, handing the key to Harry.

"While, we are down there, I would like to make a withdrawal," Sirius said pulling out his own key. "Sirius Black-Lupin." he informed the goblin of his name. There was a hint of disgust in his voice when he said his given name.
"Follow me," the goblin said.

Millie and Remus waited in the lobby while Harry and Sirius took the mine cart deep into the Gringotts vault. The mine cart was fast but Harry and Sirius could feel the pressure change quickly as they plunged below the surface of the ground. "It's cold down here Uncle Sirius," Harry said. "We are almost six stories underground," Sirius replied "That's how the security vaults are so secure."

"Vault 687," the goblin said "Key, please."
Harry handed over the key. The goblin went to the entrance of the vault and inserted the key. The door swung open to a rather large amount of shining gold galleons. "Woah," Harry exclaimed, "How did I get all this money?" Harry asked. "Well, your grandfather, Fleamont Potter, created Sleakeazy's hair potion and left the entire fortune to your father, who left the entire fortune to you. Remus and I had decided to leave the money here for you to have when you are grown up." Sirius explained. Harry went through and started to count the money in the vault, but quickly decided it was easier to estimate. He took out 10 sickles for some spending money, and they left for Sirius's vault.

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