Chapter 8

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The next morning Ron, Hermione, and Neville came to see Harry. Harry told them all about what he had seen the previous night. And they all saw Colin, making the situation ever more real. When Sirius went to use the toilet, Hermione shared an idea.

"If we really want to figure out who the heir of Slytherin is, we are going to have to get into Slytherin house. I know the perfect disguise, too. Polyjuice Potion. It will take a month to brew, but once it's done we can make ourselves look like Slytherin students. It will only last for an hour though so we will have to make it count."

"Remus and Sirius listed off a whole bunch of ex death eater's kids. They think the culprit is among Voldemort's old ranks." Harry said.

"Then we will have to disguise ourselves as people close to those people. Anyone we would know?" Ron asked.

"Malfoy was one." Harry said.

"Then two of us have to disguise ourselves as Crabbe and Goyle." Neville said.

"You will need to collect some hairs off of the person you are transforming into." Hermione said.

"It's a plan then. Figure out what you need and if there's any ingredients you need, slip Millie a list and she can bring us the ingredients next week when she visits. She'll be in diagon alley with Uncle Sirius by then. There's some money in the trunk by my bed that you can give her to use." Harry said.
A few weeks later, students forth year and lower were to attend a dueling club. Fred had told Harry that the 5th years and up didn't have to come because dueling was part of fifth year curriculum. On the day of the dueling club, everyone gathered in the Great Hall. There was a long platform set up in the middle of the room. Lockhart mounted the platform with a flourish.
"Ladies and gentlemen. Can you see me? Can you hear me?" He asked waiting for everyone to settle down. "Good, now Professor Dumbledore has asked me to organize this little dueling club to give you a crash course, in case you should need to defend yourselves. Now Professor Snape has kindly agreed to be my assistant in this process," Lockhart said gesturing to Snape as he mounted the other end of the platform.

"First, the two of us will demonstrate, then we will instruct a handful of pairs from each year." Lockhart explained.

Lockhart and Snape meet in the middle of the platform. Both put their wands straight up in front of their chests, with the tips near their own faces, and then moved the wands to their sides. They each walked 10 paces so that they were standing at opposite ends of the platform, and took their stances. Then Snape cast "Expelliarmus!"

Lockhart's wand went flying out of his hand, and into Snape's. Now that Lockhart was wandless, Snape cast one final jinx to end the fight. "Flipendo" he cast and Lockhart was knocked backwards.

"Excellent technique Professor Snape, a brilliant idea to show them that. But I must say, it was pretty obvious, what you were about to do, and had I wanted to stop you it would have only been too easy." Lockhart said flouncily, as he got up and walked back to the middle of the platform.

"Perhaps it would be wise to teach the students how to block unfriendly spells." Snape said bluntly, handing Lockhart his wand back.

"Right- the first spell Professor Snape used was the disarming spell. It can come in handy, to end fights early, because it simply takes your opponents wand. However the second spell was unethical because it is not proper dueling etiquette to continue dueling after an opponent is unarmed. I would like to show you one more spell meant to block unfriendly spells. Snape and I will demonstrate." Lockhart explained.

Lockhart and Snape repeated the process of the duel that they had earlier, and once both of them had taken their stances, Lockhart cast "Flipendo!" Before the spell could reach Snape, Snape cast "Protego!" and Lockhart's spell rebounded on him, and he was again knocked back.

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