Chapter 7

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A few weeks later, it was the morning of the first Quidditch match of the season, Gryffindor vs Slytherin. Harry had a hearty breakfast with the rest of the team, and set out for the locker rooms to get changed. Oliver was talking strategy, and gave the team the plan for the game. Then, they were ready to play.

Harry was excited that families got to come to watch quidditch matches. Remus, Sirius and Millie loved to watch his games, and he felt more motivated by having them there.

The Gryffindor stepped up to the middle of the quidditch pitch, and the Slytherins did the same. Madame Hooch began the game with her usual speech about fair play and the rules and such. Then her whistle blew, and the game began. Harry rose high into the air, out of the way of the rest of the game, but still easily accessible for when he found the snitch. Malfoy, had not been as clever and stayed nearer to the ground. Harry had a birds eye view of the pitch and the game.

The game passed quickly, with Gryffindor and Slytherin both scoring points left and right. The score was tied 60-60 when Montague stole the quaffle from Angelina, and swiftly through it at the goal post with such force, that when Oliver went to block it, the force knocked him back into the goalpost. Oliver was fine, but this shook up his confidence, which went on to effect his performance for the remainder of the game. Slytherin scored another 3 goals in quick succession, much to Gryffindor's disappointment. Then the strangest thing began to happen. A bludger was headed straight for Harry, but George was on it and whacked the bludger away. This alone wasn't strange, but then, the bludger came right back at Harry like a boomerang.

"This one's taking a liking to you!" George said jokingly, before giving the bludger a hard whack which sent it clear across the pitch. And then, Harry caught a glimpse of something gold and shimmery, high up near the Slytherin goal post, the opposite direction from the bludger. Harry zoomed off, toward the golden snitch, as fast as his Nimbus 2000 would take him. He charged forward, and zoomed toward the snitch, but the snitch was still zooming around the pitch. Harry rounded a corner to go after it when- Whack! Fred was right behind Harry, and had whacked away the same rogue bludger. Draco had realized what Harry was after and was zooming toward Harry. But Harry had a head start, and Draco was hesitant to get too close to Fred, fully aware that Fred could whack that bludger at him at any time.

The snitch came into reach. Harry stretched his arm out, fingers wrapping around the snitch. Then-Whack! The bludger hit Harry's outstretched arm, and he was knocked off his broom, hitting the ground hard in front of the Professors' stands.

Madame Hooch blew the whistle and the game ended. Harry was fairly certain his arm was broken. Several professors started rushing down, but of all the people, Lockhart got there first.

"Not to worry, Harry, I can fix that in a jiffy," Lockhart said.

"No, not you. Please just let Madame Pomfrey do it." Harry replied.

"You don't know what you're saying," Lockhart laughed.

Before Harry could do anything to stop him Lockhart cast "Brackium Immendo!"

Several other professors arrived now, with McGonagall pushing her way to the front.
Harry's arm went limp and he couldn't feel a thing.
"What have you done to me?" Harry asked.
"Well, that can sometimes happen but, clearly the bones are not broken," Lockhart said.

"Broken? There's no bones left!" Hagrid exclaimed.

"Gilderoy, why would you not wait for Madame Pomfrey. That is the proper thing to do when a student is injured, as Poppy Pomfrey is one of the best healers Hogwarts has ever seen." McGonagall scolded.

Remus and Sirius were down there now. Harry looked at them, and the look was one that said 'help me, what do I do?'

Sirius took one look at Harry, and then one look at Lockhart and started yelling again. "What the hell have you done to my godson? Are you a complete and total idiot? Why would you be so arrogant to believe that you could heal better than Madame Pomfrey? Just who do you think you are?"

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