Chapter 4

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A week later, Harry was sitting in Professor Lockhart's office, serving detention. He had been sitting there addressing letters since 4:00 that day.
"Can you think of a better way to serve detention than helping me to answer my fan mail?" Lockhart asked for about the 20th time since they had began.
"No, Sir." Harry replied dully, for about the 20th time. He addressed yet another letter.
Lockhart looked up at the clock.

"Blimey, Harry, look at the time! We've been here nearly 3 and a half hours! Well, we will stop there for today, Harry I think you've had quite enough. Let you go and get dinner before it ends." Lockhart said with a flouncy tone.

"Thanks, sir." Harry said, again, dully. He handed Lockhart the letter he had finished addressing and left quietly.

Harry started to head towards the great hall, thinking to himself. He thought about Ron's awful detention, cleaning the trophy room with Filch. He thought of Millie and how much he wished she could come to Hogwarts this year. Then suddenly he heard a distant whisper- it was indistinct but slowly coming closer. The voice sounded rather hissy, and vaguely reminded him of one he had heard before...
The voice began to get softer and more distant before disappearing all together.
'That was strange,' Harry thought. 'I'll have to ask my aunt Minerva about it after dinner.'
After dinner had finished, Harry went up to Minerva's office and knocked.
"Enter," Her voice answered.

"Hello Aunt Minerva!" Harry said.
"Ah hello, Harry. What can I do for you?" Minerva asked warmly.
"Something weird happened as I was coming to the feast after detention. I heard a voice, but no one else was there. It almost sounded like it was on the other side of the wall, and it definitely didn't sound like a person. Do you know why I might be hearing this voice?" Harry explained.

"I don't, Harry, I'm sorry. I'll see if I can find anything on it. You are right, that is very strange indeed." Minerva answered.

"Is there anything I should do?" Harry asked.
"I don't think there's anything you can do at the moment, Harry. Best head back to your dormitory, unless there's something else you wanted to talk about." Minerva answered.

"I don't think there is. Thanks Aunt Minerva! I'll see you tomorrow in transfiguration." Harry said.

"Goodnight, Harry." She replied warmly.

The Gryffindor quidditch team was mid practice game when it was so rudely interrupted by the Slytherin quidditch team. A few Gryffindors had been sitting in the stands spectating the practice.

"What the hell are you doing, Flint," Oliver Wood demanded as he touched down to the ground. "The pitch is booked for Gryffindor for the next hour, and you know damn well that you're not to be trespassing!"

"We have a note from Professor Snape." Marcus Flint, the captain of the Slytherin team replied. Oliver read the note
I,Professor Snape, give the Slytherin Quidditch team permission to practice on the basis of needing to train their new seeker
Signed Severus Snape

"Bullshit, this note means nothing, when the pitch is already booked." Oliver shot back. "Seamus," he called toward the stands and Seamus Finnegan came running down to the pitch. "Yes?" Seamus asked.
"Go get Professor McGonagall, and tell her what these tossers are trying to pull." Oliver instructed.

Seamus nodded at took off towards the castle. "Montague, go get Professor Snape." Flint instructed. Oliver and Marcus locked eyes and found themselves in an intense and loathing stare down.

"Who even is your new seeker anyway?" Angelina Johnson, one of Gryffindor's chasers asked.
The Slytherins broke formation and Draco Malfoy stepped forward.

"You're the new seeker?" Harry sneered at him.
"Yeah, got a problem with that, Potter?" Draco sneered.
Harry rolled his eyes. At this point most of the Gryffindors from the stands had gathered into an entourage behind the Gryffindor quidditch players.
"What's with the brooms?" Alicia Spinnet, another chaser for Gryffindor, asked indicating to the matching brooms that all the Slytherins were holding.

"Oh, these, Nimbus 2001s!" Flint said with fake surprise. "They were a gift from Draco's father." He stated with a tone of Superiority.

"Because my father can afford the best." Draco stated, high and mightily.

Hermione spoke from behind Harry, "At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent." Harry gave her a high five.

"How dare you speak to me like that! You filthy little mudblood!" Draco spat back.

Harry was about ready to punch Draco. "How dare you speak to her like that?" Fred fired at Draco. "She's twice the witch you'll ever be!" George added.

"What a git!" Someone from the Gryffindor crowd yelled.

"You'll pay for that one, Malfoy." Ron said. "Eat Slugs!" Ron cast pointing his wand a Draco. For a moment it seemed as though nothing had happened, but then, Ron opened his mouth and a slug dropped out of it, making it clear that Ron's spell had backfired back onto him.

"Serves you right!" Draco sneered.

The Gryffindors were about to start rioting when Seamus returned with McGonagall and Montague returned with Snape. Harry and Hermione ushered Ron away. "Let's go to Hagrid's. He's the closest and he'll know what to do." Harry said. As they walked away they could hear McGonagall and Snape arguing loudly and heatedly. Someone ran back into the castle as Harry heard McGonagall and Snape say simultaneously "Get Dumbledore."

Harry, Ron and Hermione scrambled to Hagrid's hut. When they arrived Hermione knocked on the door as Harry continued to hold Ron to keep him from keeling over. Hagrid opened the door just as Ron gagged up another slug.
"I'll get the bucket," Hagrid said simply. 

The three of them entered the hut, and Hagrid handed Ron a large wooden bucket. "Better out then in. All we can do now is wait until it passes. You lot are welcome to stay here till it passes to avoid any embarrassment." Hagrid said.

"What's going on up there?" Hagrid asked. The commotion on the quidditch pitch was still audible.

"The Slytherins interrupted our quidditch practice. It turned to argument and got pretty heated. When Hermione stood up for us, that awful git Draco called her a mud blood!" Harry explained. Ron gagged up another slug, awkwardly.

"He did not!" Hagrid exclaimed. Hermione nodded. "How dare he talk to you like that! You can't believe a word he says, your the brightest witch in your year, regardless of what family you were born into."

Colin Creevey came bursting in. "Harry, come back to the pitch. Dumbledore came and totally shut Snape down. Gryffindor gets to finish their practice." He explained breathlessly. "Thanks Colin!" Harry said and ran back to the pitch.

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