Short Story #2

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Remus's PoV
One day, when Harry was 8, Remus and Sirius took him into their room, to have a private conversation.

"Am I in trouble? What ever Millie told you, it was not my fault!" Harry said.
"No, Harry you are not in trouble, though now I am slightly concerned about what you and Millie have been up too." Sirius explained. "There is something serious we need to tell you, but Millie is still a little too young to understand." He continued.

"Ok, what's going on?" Harry asked.

"Harry, you know how you go to stay with Aunt Minnie overnight every month?" Remus asked.
"Yeah, what about it?" Harry asked.
"And you know how I usually don't feel very good after, and have to heal for a little while?" Remus asked.

"Yeah, I always wondered why." Harry said.
"Did you ever notice a pattern to when you usually go?" Sirius asked.
"No, just that it is every month." Harry replied.

"Well, you see Harry," Remus explained with a hint of nervousness in his voice. "I am always sick around that time because I have lycanthropy. That means that when the moon is full, I am forced to become a werewolf. I can't control it, or my actions during that time, because I black out. So it is very dangerous for anyone to be around me. The transformation is very painful and takes its toll on my body."

"Harry do you understand so far." Sirius asked. Remus was starting to tear up.

"It's ok Uncle Remus, don't cry. I think I understand. Uncle Remus, how did you get lycanthropy?" Harry asked.

"When I was 4, my father was a member of the questioning committee for the trial of a man named Fenrir Greyback. He was the only man on that committee to recognize him as a werewolf who has killed several muggle children. In his anger at the others' ignorance, he insulted and threatened Greyback, to the point that Greyback deemed worthy of revenge. So during the next full moon after the trial, he broke into my room while I was sleeping, and attacked me. My father burst in and drove him away before Greyback could kill me, but he had bitten me while in werewolf form. That was how I was inflicted with lycanthropy, and have been considered a werewolf ever since." Remus explained, the memory clearly painful.

"Harry, most people with lycanthropy are rejected by the wizarding world, and so they embrace their status, call themselves werewolves and live in packs far removed from the wizarding world. They often get it genetically, because people rarely survive werewolf attacks. Uncle Remus is very lucky to be alive. But there are some people who are still raised as wizards like Uncle Remus, who while they don't like having lycanthropy, choose to try and live a normal life except on those nights." Sirius explained further.

"Harry, do you still accept me?" Remus asked.

Before Harry could even answer, tears began to fall down Remus's face.

"Of course I still accept you, Uncle Remus," Harry said. "I know that it's not your fault that you have lycanthropy, and I know you are a good person. I love you, and nothing is going to change that."

Sirius spoke next "Harry, this is very important. Because most people don't accept people with lycanthropy, this has to be a secret so that Uncle Remus can remain part of the wizarding world. Do you understand?"

"Secret, I understand," Harry repeated.

"We also want you to know that when Uncle Remus transforms, he does it safely, far away from people. The Whomping Willow guards a secret tunnel to the Shrieking Shack. There Uncle Remus is able to transform and run on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. I go along in my animagus form to make sure that he is ok, because just running around in the forest is the safest thing to do when in werewolf form. And a werewolf bite does not effect animals. That's why your father and I became animagi, so that Remus wouldn't be lonely during his transformations. You've seen me turn into a dog before, and your dad could turn into a stag." Sirius explained.
"That's kinda cool!" Harry said.

"Now remember, this has to be a secret. You can't even tell Millie until we tell her when she is your age." Sirius repeated.

"Got it!" Harry said.

Remus still hung his head.

"Uncle Remus, I promise I won't tell anyone. Your secret is safe with me. I promise I still love you!" Harry reassured him, then ran up to Remus and engulfed him in a big hug.

Author's note
A similar conversation happened with Millie when she was 8. This is also when she found out Sirius is her biological father. I hope you enjoyed my short stories! Now on to the main story.

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