Chapter 3

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Remus's PoV
The next morning, Remus was reading over coffee, while Sirius was still getting ready and Millie was still asleep. Remus loved muggle literature. He grew fond of it as a child, when he had copious amounts of time at home and had to entertain himself. Today, he was reading The Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. Sirius came downstairs, and saw Remus reading and didn't want to interrupt, so he poured some coffee and sat down across from Remus and watched his face as he read. Sirius loved the way that Remus's face so vividly reacted to what happened in his books. They just sat there for a few long moments sipping coffee. It was a lovely morning.

And then an owl flew in.

Sirius picked up the letter it held. "Remus, it's a letter from Minerva."

Remus looked up "What about?" he asked.
'Harry hasn't even been at school an entire day, what could possibly have happened.' Remus thought.
"Oh... my... Merlin!" Sirius exclaimed reading the letter. "Moony, you better come here and read this!"
Dear Remus and Sirius Lupin,
I unfortunately must inform you that Harry arrived to school separately from the other students, by the way of flying car, driven by himself and Ronald Weasley. Had the car not been invisible, this act would have violated the statute of secrecy, and treads a rather grey area in the decree for the reasonable restrictions for underage sorcery. I have imposed upon him the seriousness of his actions by issuing a detention and by writing this letter. I felt it necessary that you informed as his guardians, so you could proceed as you see fit. Hope you are both well.
~Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress
Head of Gryffindor House
Harry's PoV

A few days later, as classes were starting, Harry and Ron sat down to breakfast, like any other day. But things went down hill fast when the mail came. Ron received a peculiar looking envelope and Harry received two that looked similar. "Oh no, it's a howler!" Ron exclaimed. "You better open that, I ignored one from my Gran once. It was aweful..." Neville stated.

"Bet you 2 sickles that Harry's is from his Uncle Sirius telling him how epic that stunt was." Seamus asked Dean. "You're on," Dean replied, "Cause I bet it's his Uncle Remus telling him off."

Ron opened his first-

The voice of Mrs Weasley was heard across the entire Great Hall.
How dare you steal that car! Your father and I are absolutely disgusted with you! Your father is facing an inquiry at work, and it is entire your fault! If you put another toe out of line we will bring you straight home!
Ron nodded in fear.
And Ginny, dear, congratulations on getting Gryffindor. Your father and I are so proud!
The letter destroyed itself in front of Ron's face.

"Well I guess I'm next then," Harry said. He picked up the first letter and opened it.

Remus's voice was heard across the great hall.

What were you thinking ? There were several more logical and safer decisions on how to get to school, and you made literally the dumbest choice possible. If this ever happens again, find a phone booth and call home. I honestly have know clue what you were thinking, but if you make another reckless move, I will come down there and discipline you myself, got it! Good bye Harry.

Seamus handed some coins over to Dean.

Harry picked up the next letter. This time Sirius's Voice rang through the great hall.

Harry, that was epic! That's so something your dad and I would have done during our Hogwarts years! I wish I could have seen it!
In the background Remus said Sirius no,
But Sirius continued. Did you have fun? Is everyone talking about it! You've got to tell me everything!
Remus repeated Sirius, no
But Sirius continued. Write me back soon! Make sure you are doing well in school. I expect Remus will be writing his own howler so good luck with that. Bye, Harry, Love you!
Then that letter also destroyed itself in front of Harry's face.

Dean handed some coins back to Seamus. Harry swore he saw Aunt Minerva roll her eyes and pass some coins over to Dumbledore.
That afternoon Harry had his first Defense against the Dark Arts class, with the new Professor, Gilderoy Lockhart.

"Welcome, welcome," Lockhart said, "to your first class with your new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor; Me!" Lockhart gave a wink. "Gilderoy Lockhart: Order of Merlin, third class; Honorary member of the Dart Force Defense League; bestselling author; and five time winner of Witch Weekly's 'Best Smile Award'" Lockhart said with a charming smile. "But I don't talk about that. You're here for Defense Against the Dark Arts. So we'll start with a Pretest over the material covered in my books plus some... trivia!"

Harry stumbled blindly through the "trivia" portion of the quiz, but felt good about how he answered much of the defensive magic portion. Remus taught Harry loads about DADA. It was kind of his thing, really.

"Now that you are all finished, I have a little challenge for you..." Lockhart said with dramatic flair. He pulled the sheet off of whatever it had been covering in front of the class the whole time to reveal a cage full of small, blue, winged creatures.

"Cornish Pixies?" Seamus asked.
"Freshly caught Cornish Pixies! Let's see what you make of them!" Lockhart said as he opened the door to the cage. Cornish Pixies went flying all around the room, smashing Lockhart's frivolous decorations left and right. Some students hid under their desks others tried to catch the Pixies. Hermione, ducked under a desk wracking her brain.

Lockhart's face showed that he was regretting the decision to let the Pixies loose in his classroom. After several moments, he attempted to cast a spell. "Peskipiksi Pestanomi!" This spell did little to nothing and the class was plunged further into chaos.

Suddenly, Hermione's eyes lit up and she jumped up, seemingly having remembered what she was trying to remember.
"Immobulus!" She shouted, and every Pixie in the classroom froze.
Lockhart commented "Well done, Miss..."
"Granger." Hermione finished.

The class soon collected the Pixies and had them back in their cage, just as class ended.

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